14| Let's Go to Class Love Birds

Start from the beginning

"See you guys later," Victor suddenly says, "I have to run by the office before class so I'll see you during lunch." We nod and watch as he walks off in the hallway.

"What do you think?" Charlie asks me. "I mean, how was he during class?"

"Fine actually. It wasn't awkward or weird, he acted...normal. You don't think he's faking it, do you?"

"I don't know," Charlie says. "Let's just be cautious, just in case."


During lunch Charlie and I sit next to one another. It's been a while since we've done so, but it feels right.

"God I cannot wait until Thanksgiving Break. How many more weeks do we have," Sofia says.

"Just this week and the next," Victor says, staring at her amusingly.

"Finally. Although now realizing that it's stressing me out."

"Why?" Ximena questions.

"After Thanksgiving Break is finals and I so don't need that stress right now."

Rafael snorts. "You're getting ahead of yourself Sofia. We haven't even gone on break yet."

"Yeah don't even think about it because you'll also stress us out," Ximena adds.

"Fine," she says but I can tell she's still stressed.

Another conversation begins and I listen until I feel Charlie's finger tug mine. I look up at him, startled.

"What are you doing," I whisper.

"Shh," is all he says before wrapping his hand with mine and squeezes it.

My heart does a somersault but when I look back at our friends I realize they don't have any idea how I'm feeling right now. I sigh with relief and try my best to compose myself to not make it obvious.

When the bell rings we all get up to get to class. But suddenly everyone is looking at Charlie and I and it isn't until I turn to look at Charlie that I realize we are still holding hands. Shit. We both pull away.

Ximena laughs. "Don't stop on our account. We already knew."

"Yeah I was wondering when you two would tell us," adds Rafael.

"Uh," I say but can't help but look at Victor.

He smiles.

"Let's go to class love birds," Sofia says.

As we're walking I look at Charlie.

"Sorry," he whispers, "I blew our cover."

I shake my head. "Me too," I tell him. "Do you think Victor's okay?"

Charlie looks at Victor who is walking way ahead of us talking with Rafael.

"Maybe," Charlie says. "I'll still try to talk to him later."

I nod then say, "So."


"Um," I give him a sheepish smile. "My mom's kinda upset."


"Well I told her that we had dinner with your uncle on Friday and she said that you had promised her a dinner. And all weekend she talked about how you have yet to have dinner with us so I told her we'd have dinner soon. I don't know what day is better for you but-"

"Today," he says.

"Today?" I ask alarmed. "It's not a big deal it can wait I just want to give her a time frame."

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