08| A Sense of Relief

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Julie's POV:

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Julie's POV:


It lunch time. I'm about to take a scoopful of macaroni into my mouth when Charlie appears. I look up at him, confused, as he takes a seat beside me.

Last night was probably the worst night of my life since Will died. All the emotions and disagreements with my parents put me in a frenzy. But unintentionally meeting up with Charlie comforted me. After we continued with out pity party and stargazing - which I am most definitely getting better at - I went home. 

I almost didn't go home to be honest, but I was more than relieved to see my dad's car was no longer in front of the house when I arrived. Mom and John were up waiting for me. I felt a great sense of guilt the moment I saw the look on their faces. I expected a scolding but they just hugged me and told me they were happy I was back home safely. That's when it dawned on me, how similar last night was to the night so many months ago when our whole world shifted and shattered in millions of tiny pieces.

"Everything okay?"

I blink and meet Charlie's eyes. He watches me with his brow lifted up, studying my face - probably wondering about how things went after we went our separate ways.

I give him a small smile. "Yeah."

"You sure?"

"Yes," I pause, this time studying him, "Are you fine? You do know you're sitting in the cafeteria and not the library right? And that Victor could get here any minute."

"Yes Juliet," his tone snarky, "I do realize where I'm at...and oh look there's my cousin in the line to get his lunch. Should I wave?" He raises his hand up and begins to wave but I immediately yank it down.

"Ouch," he mutters.

I reach my hand toward his forehead as if to check for a fever. "Are you sure you're okay right now, you're acting...weird. Also I thought we were gonna keep our friendship lowkey for Victor's sake."

Charlie grabs my wrist, his eyes meet mine as he gently tugs my hand away from him. A small chuckle escapes from his mouth and suddenly I have a knot in my stomach and I can feel my breath hitch.

Eyes still on me, he says, "I told you yesterday that I wasn't going to let you drown - all high school drama included. Besides, I'll... talk to Victor."

I open my mouth to respond but am interrupted when Sofia and Victor arrive to the table. Sofia gives me a look as if questioning Charlie's presence and I merely shrug, not too sure what to say.

"Hey cuz," Charlie says to Victor, "you don't mind me eating with you, do you?"

Victor looks at us for a moment, trying to figure out what is happening between us, then says, "Of course not cuz."

That cuz didn't sound too happy, but I decide to ignore it as more people from our group joins the table. It's like that first time Charlie randomly came to sit with us. The vibes were more than awkward, but eventually the conversations begin to pick up. Of course each time I turned to look at Charlie he looks unbothered and maybe a bit oblivious. Though I wonder if he just acts like that because he knows how everyone reacts to him.

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