10| Can I Tell You a Secret

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CHAPTER TEN: Can I Tell You a Secret

Julie's POV:

"Hello you two," Sofia greets Charlie and I. She places her food tray down and sits in front of us. "How was the hotel anniversary event?"

"Good," Charlie replies.

Sofia gives us a satisfied smile. "As expected," she responds and I roll my eyes.

"We should celebrate," she says.

"What for?" I question.

"Hm," she says and thinks, "friendship?"

I snort. "We're celebrating our friendship?"

"Oo like a party," Ximena says as she takes a seat. Rafael is behind her.

"Party?" he questions. "I'm in."

"Perfect," Sofia responds.

"What's perfect?" Victor questions.

"We're having a party to celebrate our friendship," Sofia responds and he gives her a confused look.

"Now who wants to host?" Sofia asks. "I would but my parents aren't exactly the happiest with me at the moment."

"I can host."

We all turn to look at Charlie. We're quiet for a moment before Rafael says, "Really? You'd be down to host?"

"Yeah," Charlie says.

"You don't have to," I whisper to him but he just smiles.

"We can do it at my apartment. It's not huge but definitely big enough for us. You guys are all welcome to stay over as well so that we don't have to worry about any dd's."

"Hell yeah dude," Rafael says, "This Friday?"

"Yeah we can do it Friday," Charlie confirms.

Suddenly everyone is talking, excited about the party. Victor doesn't say much, he just stares at Charlie. When the bell rings for class we all get up to throw out trash.

In the hallway I say, "Are you sure about this party at your place?"

"Yeah, you don't think it sounds fun?" Charlie questions.

"It's not that, it's just... I don't want you to feel pressured to host."

"It's fine Jules. I'm actually a little excited. Plus since I'm hosting, it'll be the first party I'm officially invited to in like two years."

I give him a look. Maybe this can be a chance for everyone to bond with Charlie. At least I hope so.

"Okay," I say, "And I'll help you with anything you need."

"You happen to have a fake ID?"

"Uh maybe?"

"Wait," Charlie says and stops walking, "you actually have one?"

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