
Start from the beginning

God knew she earned it.

Though, it would be short-lived the moment she returned from her trip.

All because of a certain someone named Kai.


"No Salvatore. Absolutely not! Are you crazy?" Valentina retorted with frustration.

Salvatore shrugged his shoulders and began packing all the files discovered in the Asahi home that would prove useful to Mina during her reign.

"She's the one accepted it. I didn't force her to at all. I stepped down for you, cara. She can handle it! Why do you look at her as weak!" Salvatore asked curiously.

"Weak? I don't think Mina I'd weak at all! The only reason I'm concerned about this is because of her health! She's pregnant Salvatore!" Valentina exclaimed.

Instantly, Salvatore let the papers in his hand fall to the floor, his mouth agape.

"She's pregnant? Why didn't she tell me? No, she can't be the don, it's too early. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have allowed it! Did I make a mistake?" Salvatore groaned.

Valentina slowly nodded, sighing, as Matteo entered the room with Kaya by his side.

The moment Kaya stepped into the room and saw her father's belongings scattered on the floor, her eyes furrowed with anger.

How dare Salvatore try to take away the last she had of her father away?

No, she wouldn't allow it.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Stop touching my father's things, they don't belong to you!" Kaya hissed.

Salvatore distanced himself from the scattered papers, and Kaya swiftly gathered as much as she could until someone delicately stepped on her hand.

A black leather heeled boot adorned with gold gently pressed down on her hand before Kaya looked up to hear a voice.

"That's because they belong to me. Kaya, it's nice to see you again. Thank you for picking up the things I need to take back to Sicily. It's much appreciated," Mina smirked.

Instantly, anger surged within Kaya as Mina stood there, exuding smug confidence.

She hadn't forgiven Mina for the events of years past.

"What do you mean? They're my father's things, not yours. Besides, aren't you just Leonardo's wife? You're nothing in the De Luca family, so run along," Kaya retorted with a smile.

"Watch out, little girl. You might just end up dead with that mouth of yours. I guess your little boyfriend hasn't told you yet, huh?" Mina replied, maintaining her smug demeanor.

Confused, Kaya turned to Matteo, who looked down, and Mina continued speaking.

"I am the don of the De Luca mafia. And don't worry, I won't punish you for your attitude now. But in the meantime, you better close that mouth of yours," Mina hissed.

Kaya's eyes widened in shock at Mina's revelation.

Could it truly be possible?

She turned to Matteo and Valentina who slowly nodded in unison, only for Salvatore to shatter the silence.

"Actually, no. I've reconsidered. Family health is my responsibility, and I'll continue as don. A doctor will be with you shortly, Mina. Be ready in twenty minutes."

Mina dropped her shopping bags, a storm brewing within her as she confronted Salvatore.

"How dare you convince me to take the role, then take it away in a mere twelve hours? Sorry, but I refuse. I already shouldered the burden for my husband and I don't plan on backing up now." Mina spat angrily.

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