14. Kim Hongjoong

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She stared at me like she always does, her face full of menace, voice dripping with poison as usual. "Guess you are starting to enjoy this, brat!", she spat out. I wanted to run away but I knew I couldn't. I had to do this to keep Felix safe. Yesterday he got lucky, if it's wooyoung, I won't ever forgive her or myself. I have to find a way to stop her.

"What do you want from me?" I asked her. She stopped laughing when she saw how serious I was and I was scared at the same time but I was getting tired of her doing this to me and now she's using the people around me.

"Tell me why the fuck you stopped my boys from having their fun with your fag of a friend yesterday first!", she growled. I internally rolled my eyes. "I know how you are, mom, you like using the people around me to get to me but I warn you, stay from Felix, you won't get away with him.", I said firmly. She scoffed then let out her infamous high pitched laugh. "You are warning me?" She asked. "How cute. Who do you think will stop me? You? Your brother? Or your boyfriend?! No one can stop me and no one will believe you. Imagine reporting your own mother? Go ahead, dear and see what will happen to wooyoung." She gloated. I bawled my fist. I can't even punch her, as much as I want to, if I want to defeat her, I have to play along with her dirty games.

"You're right. No one will believe a teenager like me but at least I can still expose you.", I smirked when her cocky smile dropped in a heartbeat. "How are you of all going to that?", she growled. I shook my head and turned around to walk away from her. "You'll see.", I answered before speed running as fast I could.

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