5. Lee Felix

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I don't completely understand the plan here. Yeonjun just gave me a short summary of what happened to Hongjoong. I can't believe shit like this happens in a school and it had to happen to him of all people. He's been through too much as it is. Why the hell did those jerks do it in the first place?

"Felix, I'm here!" Chan hyeong called out. I nodded still in thought. "I may or may have not invited hyunjin as well.", he said whilst looking away from me. I sighed. "I'm not mad, Chan, hyunjin and I broke up a long time ago.", I said searching my pockets for my phone. "Why does wooyoung need me?", he asked. "We need you to track someone out.", I said. " Chan hung! What could be so important that I - Felix, hi.", he said whilst looking at me. "Hi, Hyunjin.", I mumbled and good god, does he still have to be so hot? He had black on from head to toe, like a biker: black ripped skinny jeans, black tank top topped off with a black leather jacket and that damned blonde hair that's grown out to his shouler. His eyes raked over me then he smirked. "Hot as fuck, babes.", he commented. I rolled my eyes. "Did you have to bring him with, hyeong?", I groaned. Cahn sighed. "He's the only one who can help you and your friend.", he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders in the process. Hyeong and I used to be close at a stage as well but you know shit happens and somehow it all ended being my fault according to them all. "Fine, just do whatever needs to be don to help Joong." I said not being in the mood to argue with either of them. "Tell me who or what am I looking for, babes.", Hyunjin asked, edging closer to me for an odd reason. I took small steps backwards as he took about three forward. "Love, are you still trying to run from me even after all this time?", he breathed when his face came dangerously close to mine. He placed his one hand around my waist then the other on the wall behind me. I gulped. His eyes made contact with mine. Fucking hell. I must not cave in at all, not again. I will not fall for him again. I pushed him away slightly and walked off. "I'll text you later Hyeong." I shouted but kept my pace. I didn't want to make it too obvious either. Hyunjin is not the type of person who gives up too easily.

I walked over to joongs class feeling gloomy. Joong was asleep after the whole ordeal. I sat down quietly, making sure not to wake him up but he started shaking and mumbling something. Some kids had turned around to see what was happening. I immediately put my arms around him to try and wake him, he must have gotten a fright because his body jerked twice when I touched him. " Here, I will do it, Felix." Seonghwa said to me, picking
him up with ease and for once, Joong didn't fight him, if anything, he seemed at ease with it. I guess this is what wooyoung was talking about when he said he saw something in seonghwa. "Okay, but where will you take him? His dad can't know about this.", I whispered to him. He gave me a small smile. "I know, I'll see you around. Tell his brother to contact me when class is done.", he added. "Oh, give San my bag when you see and take hongjoongs one with you.". I nodded mindlessly. How can he be cold and attractive at the same time?

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