Kim Wooyoung

19 2 0

(yeah yeah, I made him a Kim, now get over it)

I threw myself on my seat, trying to catch a breather. These kids in this shithole are fucked up. Imagine them telling me of all people how to actually dress myself when I've been doing it since I was four years old. I really hope, joongie is okay. I can take backlash but him? No, he'd break down crying. I'm glad I stood up for him but the times that I can't, I really hope he can learn to do that himself as well. I hate seeing him so helpless and defenceless when it comes to jerks who think they can do, say and think what they want to people and they get away with it.

"Woo, Did you see San looking at you as we passed by this morning? Yeonjun asked me. I giggled. "That, i saw clearly.", I smirked. I know that he likes me from yesterday but the way he had smiled and looked away when our eyes made contact for too long. "What about you Jun, Mr I flirt with him everytime I see him?", I teased him. He laughed it off. Got him. "It's nothing, I just like teasing him, that's all.", he mumbled as he cheeks turned red. He's like Joong, can't lie to save his life. "Uh huh." I said fixing my skirt. I just want the bell to ring so I can get this say over and done so I can go home. And as if it heard me, the bell rang. I bolted out of the class to music class.

I sat and waited for the rest to fill up their seats. Kiara was the last one to walk in with her head gloolmy. I was about to run to her but she looked up and she looked up shook her head. " don't. It's okay.", she mumbled. I sighed knowing that it wasn't. I know that trying to talk to her now was going to be pointless , I'd have to wait for her to calm down first. I have a very valid reason to believe that it had to do with Joong. He always gets picked on and never does anything about it. We both have tried to at least teach him to stand up for himself but he still can't. It's worrisome for us. We won't always be there to protect him and us being in different classes due to age gaps that make it harder for us so we tend to worry a lot about him.

"Kim Wooyoung! I know your father owns the school but please attention. I don't have time for special treatment." The teacher yelled at me. "Special treatment?" I asked her. Kiara exchanged glances with me. Hell Nah! She looked as though she was about to kill that woman. "I don't remember asking for special treatment and what does me not paying attention have to do with who my Dad is?", I asked before Kiara opened her mouth. I gave her a small nod to indicate that I had this under control. She nodded back and continued taking notes. The door opened and I saw Joong standing there with San and Seonghwa. Both Kiara and I rushed over to him. The teacher yelled but we didn't give a fuck. "What happened?!", I asked San. "He won't say. Seonghwa found him outside, crying." He said softly so the other kids wouldn't hear. "Excuse me! Class is not dismissed!" The teacher screeched. "Shut the hell up! We're busy here!", Kiara snapped. The students gasped in shock. Told you she wasn't joking around, especially when it comes to Joong. "Baby, look at me.", Kiara said to him. He slowly lifted his head and it was our turn to gasp when we saw his face. He had a red mark on his face and a split lip that had shed a drop or two of blood. "Who did this to you?" I asked him but once again, Joong didn't want to get anyone in trouble, he said nothing. Seonghwa passed me his phone. "Got this from the CCTV but let's rather watch this out of this room, we're causing a scene in here.", he added. The five of walked out with yeonjun who followed us with our bags.

We sat by the empty teacher's lounge as San plugged in seongwha's phone in USB portal. Joong sat in the corner, hugging his knees and mumbling something to himself while his head was down. The screen came one and the first thing we see is Joong going in the bathroom. A few seconds later, a bunch of other boys in a group go in as well. In a split second, they had circled him and the tallest of them pinned him against the wall with his face as close to joongs. I heldy breath at the scene, praying and hoping that they don't try and molest him but they did. His shirt was pulled up as one of those creeps ran his hand on his stomach and trailed it all the way up to his nipples. I balled my fists until my hands hurt but I didn't care. In the corner of my eye, I watched seonghwa standing up and walking up to Joong, he sat next to him but didn't touch him. I kind of smiled at that. What got my attention back to the screen was the muffled scream I heard. Joong was begging them to stop but none of them listened. One of them tried to unbotton his jeans but then the janitor walked in and that's when the boys fled, leaving Joong on the floor weeping. The janitor tried to help him up but out of shock and fear, my brother screamed and ran out. That's where the video ended. So, he knew about it but didn't want to press Joong to talk? Kiara and I looked at the blank screen. "Please don't tell dad about this.", Joong whimpered. "Hongjoong, you should tell him so we can find those fucks who tried to rape you.", yeonjun told him. Kiara nodded. "Bun, they've done it once, trust me, they will do it again." He shook and head and cried again. This time seonghwa sat even closer to him. " he's right, dad is going to flip. Let's find the creeps who did this first then we'll tell dad.", I said after much thought. "Woo! What if...", "I know what I'm doing, Kiara and I might have an idea who can help us track them." I said, looking at seonghwa. "It's the only way. Jun, call Felix, we're going to need a whole lot of help.", I said, not taking my eyes off of seonghwa and Joong who now had his head on seongwha's shoulder. Maybe, just maybe.....

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