Park seonghwa

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It's been over two weeks since the incident with Hongjoong and he seems more withdrawn now than he was when I first met him. I also happened to notice the tension between the siblings and friends as well. I honestly want to ask any of them what was going on but that would be overstepping my boundaries and also, it's got nothing to do with me. When I talk to him, he does respond but it's shot and simple. I also noticed that he's been skipping lunch again. Don't know why but it hurt to see him like this. He has always been quiet but this is not it. Did something really happen to him again that we know nothing about? I sure hope not.

We were on the field outside waiting for our PT teacher who is always late. "He's! Have you seen my brother?!", Kiara came running to me with the bunch of her friends, I think. I don't recall all their names. I shook my head and looked at San who was talking to someone on his phone. "Okay, okay, I'll be right there! Just don't go in yourself, Wooyoung." ,he said sternly then ended the call. I did not like the time he used. It always meant danger. " that fucking bastard! When I catch him!!" He mumbled, dragging me along with him. "We'll be back ,Kiara! I'm not risking you as well. Just stay there!", he yelled. We began running before Kiara even responded. " what's going on and tell me itsynot what I think it is, please" his shoulders dropped. "It sounds even worse, hwa. It's the fucking teacher.", was the last he spoke before pulling an Usain Bolt move on me. That made me stop for a moment, not to think it over but it disgusted me. What the fuck?! He's been under our nose this time  and none of us knew? I swear, this time Hongjoong has to tell his dad. I ran and caught up to him so fast and we bolted to the locker room. Please hold on, Joong, I'm on my way. Please be okay.....

We found wooyoung at the top of the stairs waiting for us. " where's Kiara?", he asked looking behind us. "We left her behind, she shouldn't be seeing shit like this and neither should you!" San said to him. Wooyoung rolled his eyes. " we've seen worse, not kick the door open! The fucker locked the door so no one can go in but I've been taking pics and I've been recording the whole thing.", he whispered. I nodded, took a step back then ran full speed, throwing all my weight on the one door. The door flew wide open. San tackled the guys in front of us and guess what? Yep the same guys from the video earlier. At least now I know who they were working for.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch! Strip him and fucking gag him." We heard the familiar boisterous voice of our PT teacher, Mr. Oh. We also heard the muffled sound of Joong crying and begging them to stop. I bawled my fists and ran up more fucking stairs to where the sound was coming from.

"What the hell?!" , Mr. Kang oh shouted when I kicked the door open and ran up to Joong. The poor boy was In a state. His clothes were messed up from struggling, his shirt was ripped . "San, take him." I nodded in the direction of the so called teacher who tried to make a run for it. "It's okay, Joong, I'm here.", I whispered slowly to him, edging closer to the bench they had tried him to. He squirmed a lot when my hands brushed up against his accidentally. " I'm going to untie you but you have to stop moving, okay?", he gulped and nodded slowly. I smiled to reassure him that I wasn't going to hurt him but rather going to help him. The ropes around his wrist were tied extremely tight and professionally. He did know what he was doing. Which reminds me, how on earth did wooyoung even find them here? How did they not notice him following them?

"Thank you.", he mumbled as I untied the last rope. He face was swollen from the red marks on his face again, his eyes too. He cheeks were still warm from the crying and screaming he did. When he was completely free, he embraced me tightly as if he was going pas-" his head sagged. "Joong?", I called but no response. "He passed out. He does that when he's scared. " him passing out is normal you guys?!", I yelled at the two. Wooyoung nodded,face filled with shame and anger which I felt. "Wooyoung, did you call them?", I asked him. He looked at Hongjoong then at me. "Sorry. You can hate us later but your dad is on his way up here.", San bluntly added. "Be fucking nice!", I nudged him. " i-am sorry.", wooyoung said to the unconscious boy. "At least we prevented it from repeating itself again.", he mumbled then broke down into tears of anger, bitterness, resentment and relief. " Woo, carry him downstairs, we'll deal with these scum bags! I sad, cracking my knuckles and loosening the muscles in my neck. "Let's have some fun, shall we?", I asked the guys on the floor.

I don't do proof reading at all so I apologize for the mistakes and I hope you're enjoying the book so far.

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