Battle 42: All Fired Up

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President Goodshow: It sounds like you understand the importance of your responsibility.

Ash: Yeah.

President Goodshow: Then, off we go!

Ash: Right!

Soon, everyone claps and applauds as Ash runs toward the stadium. Thanks, everybody! Thanks a lot!

Up above the crowds, Team Rocket stalks.

Meowth: Hey, look!

Jessie: Now the twerp has the torch.

James: That burns me up.

Meowth: If we can filch dat flame, we'll steal da spotlight fawh Team Rocket!

Jessie: That's a hot idea.

James: And we can steal lots of Pokémon, too!

Jessie: Alright! Let's go!

Levi: Hmph! What a waste of time. Levi said looking down at everyone with contempt. Down below, the runners continue out of town and into a wooded area outside the stadium. Just then, Ash hears something)

Ash: Pikachu, Pikachu, you hear something?

Pikachu: Pika. (I do)

Brock: I hear it, too.

Duplica: What is it?

Misty: Sounds bad. The ground under our heroes is starting to crack, and it gives under Officer Jenny, Charlie, and the others and our heroes see them in a giant pit as the dust clears)

Misty: Help, guys, get us out.

Ash: How did this happen? On cue, Team Rocket make themselves known.

James: Yoo-hoo! Our heroes look up.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James! Team Rocket leaps down to the surface.

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! Dat's right! Meowth dives toward Ash and Scratches his face, causing Ash to toss the torch in pain.

Brock: Look, the torch!

Meowth: He's a regular flamethrower. After Meowth catches the torch, he accidentally sets himself on fire, tossing the torch away, allowing Pikachu to catch it.

Pikachu: Pikachu! (I got it) As for Jessie and James, they're running away from Meowth, who's still on fire.

Jessie: Get away, you fiery feline!

James: A flaming fur ball!

Meowth: Help me out! Put me out!

James: Victreebell, go! Victreebell materializes and covers Meowth with its mouth, however, this causes Victreebell to catch fire, too. Jessie and James runaway as Meowth races after them with Victreebell still on him.

Niko: Should them?

Ash: I'm gonna regret this. Squirtle, I choose you! Squirtle materializes. Okay, Squirtle! Use your Water Gun! Squirtle's attack manages to put out the fire..

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