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Night Owl sat in an interrogation room with Dr Akande, in his dark green prison uniform.

"You knew these people, you know Crow survived and you know where he is now, I want you to tell me," Night Owl hissed.

Dr Akande laughed, "are you worried about an injured mental case who has gone into hiding when something much bigger is on it's way?"

"And what is that?" Night Owl asked.

"Oh, so you just want to forget that you sent out untra sonic waves through dimensions by exploding a machine that altered time and space, and you also just want to forget that fifty members of the rebellion already visited the past geared for imitate take over, your days are numbered!" 

"How exactly did you build a time machine?" 

"Used some famous scientist theory, likes of Albert Einstein, Henry Churchill and then I added a little of my finesse and there it was."

"Alright Akande, I see you have no useful Intel for me, I'll back later," Night Owl got up and was leaving.

"There are many things on their way to this city, Owl, many unholy entities and they're coming just for you!" Akande yelled out.

OUTLAWED: Rise Of The New DawnWhere stories live. Discover now