ACT V: The bitter find

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James woke up on his bed feeling very dizzy, "ugh, what happened?" He asked getting up and walking to his book shelf, it slid open to reveal Zack operating his computers.

"Oh, you're finally awake," Zack said without looking away from the computers.

"And who's fault is it that I slept in the first place!?" James asked angrily, he then held his head trying to withstand an intense surge of pain in it.

Zack looked at him, "you really needed it, a dart that's supposed to knock you out for thirty minutes, took you out for three days."

"Three days!? You better hope the rebellion hasn't executed their plans yet!" James yelled some more causing him even more pain.

"Well good news and bad news on that actually, good news is that Nox Law was out patrolling last night when he saw a bright flash of light, he found that the brightness came from the rebellion's new hideout, so he told detective Dara who told me thinking it was you, and she's not really happy with you for leading her and the best officers to an empty abandoned warehouse."

"And the bad news?" James asked.

"That flash of light was the time machine, a group of the Clockwise rebellion have traveled back in time, according to what Nox Law heard, the machine really heated up and needs about twenty hours for a complete cool down," Zack said.

James walked out of the lair and looked outside the window and saw the sun setting, he then ran back in and began to gear up.

"Send me the location of the rebellion and find me legitimate businessman, Donatello Regalis' phone number," James said before he left, riding out on his powers bike.

Zack was now communicating with his as he drove, "I've sent the coordinates, input them in your bike and it should take you there," Zack said.

When he got the Entromoor port, he saw a building not to far from it, looked like an old factory with a huge steam vent on top, Night Owl got on the roof of the building opposite to and surveied the factory.

He then called Don, "who is this?" He asked.

"Regalis, this is my response, come to the old Ifechi's candies and toys factory at Entromoor port," Night Owl said.

"It's Don Cesar to you, bambino, and why would I come to-" Night Owl then cut the line.

He then made his way into the building, he snuck carefully into the factory but the place was absolutely empty.

"There's nothing here," Night Owl said.

"Nox Law just told me he thinks after the first attractive burst of light, they moved to the underground sector of the factory," came Zack's voice in his head gear.

"Ugh, get off my headset and cut all communications with that Nox Law kid," Night Owl said carefully making his was to the underground sector.

"Nope, for the past few weeks, you've not been taking the best care of yourself, so this way, I can watch you more closely, and I really love being the guy in the chair trope!" 

"Don't yell in my ears, I don't need a chair guy, and how are you going watch me by communicating with me on a head set?"

"Hacked your goggles, all you see, I see on the computers, cool right?"

"Not an intrusion of my privacy at all," Night Owl hissed, "fine, you can be the guy in the chair but I don't want to hear the name; Nox Law, again."

"Why? Nox Law is pretty useful, I mean if not for Nox Law, we won't have found the rebellion's hideout and if not for Nox Law, you won't have been able to focus on their case as he was helping you fight crime and if not-"

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