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The moon hung heavy under the city of Entromoor, a city flooded with immigrants, business, crime, and absolute corruption, with high buildings, both new and ancient sites, the sky was filled with pollution from the steam vents of numerous factories and old steam trains.

Why was Entromoor so different from other cities, forgotten by its nation? A city for the rich and poor, old and new, innocent and evil.

It was one of the first settlements to be visited by the British colonizers centuries ago, a simple African village turned civilized in their words was Entromoor.

At the Entromoor port, an Italian mafia was packing large crates of guns into their cars in the dark of night.

"Come on, amicos, we ain't got much time on our hands!" Yelled a mobster in a well fitted black suit prompting the loaders to move faster.

On one of the cargo crates stacked high on each other, stood a fully geared man in a black combat suit, equipped with knee and elbow pads, bullet proof vest, a utility belt with two pistol holsters on both sides, his head was covered with a soldier like helmet, his ears covered with a headset, his eyes covered with infrared goggles, and the rest of his face covered with a face/gas mask

He blended with the night, perfectly, only his blue glowing goggle lenses giving him away.

One mobster who was on watch caught sight of the glowing lenses but as he turned to call attention, the glow disappeared.

His companion looked at him, holding his assault rifle tightly, "you see somethin'?" He asked.

"Nothin' just da dark playin' tricks," the other responded.

His companion released the grip on the rifle, he brought out a lighter and flicked it underneath the cigarette in his mouth, each flick brightening their surroundings.

He watched his companion as a flick revealed a figure a few meters away from him, not certain, he waited for another flick but the figure with glowing eyes was right behind his companion now.

"Look out!" He said as he pointed his gun to his companion.

The others who were packing up heard gunshots and screaming coming from the left, then it suddenly died, everyone paused, and the more gunshots and screams were heard from the right.

One mobster yelled, "he's here-ah!"

Another yelled, "and he's wipin' our flanks," said another.

Everyone started panicking.

"Coraggio amicos!" Yelled the one who was prompting them earlier, "we are many, and he's just one man."

With that said he cocked his gun and looked around seeing his men drop one by one with tranquilizer darts on them.

"What da?" The one that seemed like the leader said before he started shooting randomly into dark spaces.

All his men laid on the ground with only him left standing, his gun clicked, empty of bullets, he turned to run and felt a pistol on his forehead, the weilder had blue glowing lenses.

"Night Owl, is it?," The mobster asked with a nervous laughter that turned to rage, "this ain't no comic book, dumbo, this is the reality," using the hilt of his rifle, he hit Night Owl's wrist and his pistol fell off, then he hit him on the stomach too.

Night Owl staggered back and before the mobster could execute his next attack, he was instantly kicked so hard he flew a few meters away with a couple of teeth lost.

He watched his hand work before he got a radio message from the police, "Dispatch, Officer Yusuf requesting immediate backup at Sphere industries' prototype testing site, unauthorized access and theft attempt, urgent response needed, over."

Night Owl ran out of the scene heading for the prototype testing site.

He hoped on his black power bike and rode off into the stone paddled street.

OUTLAWED: Rise Of The New DawnWhere stories live. Discover now