ACT IV: Back to square one

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It was all darkness, rubbles and dripping water, Night Owl dug his way out of the rocks to see Sphinx trying to run away, he picked a sizable stone and threw it at Sphinx's back knee, he stumbled and fell, his knee dislocated.

"Night Owl you bastard! Why ain't you dead!?" Sphinx complained.

Night Owl slowly walked towards him, Sphinx tried to stand up but felt his knee hurting.

"Damn you, you effing broke my knee!" He said still trying to get away.

"Who's the Time Keeper?" Night Owl said closing in.

"And why would I tell you anything, I ain't no snitch!" Sphinx fell again.

"Talk or I'll your dislocated knee would actually get broken," Night Owl said stumping on the knee.

"Ahhh, fine, he's the leader of the Clockwise new dawn, you know, the guys who's been stealing tech," Sphinx said.

"New dawn?" Night Owl whispered to himself, "and where is their new hide out?"

"I don't know, Owl, but I do know where they hitting tonight," Sphinx said.

"Go on," Night Owl said pulling his collar.

"Then what, you throw my ass in jail again? I'll pass bruh, instead, I ask a riddle, if you get the answer, I tell you what you wanna know and you can throw my ass anywhere, but if you fail, you let me go..." Sphinx said.

"No!" Night Owl drew him closer.

"Oh did I forget to mention?" Sphinx said pulling out a small statue of a lion with a human's head, "this is a bomb, it only gets deactivated by the answer to my riddle, I can put it off but only if you let me go, or don't let me go, I don't mind dying as long as you're coming with me, you have one minute to make your decision."

"Ask your riddle," Night Owl looking behind him to see the others, Dara and Nox Law, injured and spectating the situation.

"What's hard, long, wet and full of seamen!?" Sphinx asked, laughing loudly.

"What kind of riddle is that?" Dara asked holding her bleeding elbow, "Owl, just let him off, for now at least."

Night Owl ignored her, held his fist over Sphinx's face, "deactivate the bomb, now!"

"Nope, only if you let me off like the chick said," Sphinx replied, he wanted to say something more before Night Owl put his metal fist hard on his nose.

"Beat me all you want, you have only like thirty more seconds to enjoy it for the last time, anyways," Sphinx said before taking another punch.

"Okay! I didn't want to be the one to say it but the answer is..." Nox Law said clearing his throat, "uh ahem... a male genital."

Everyone turned to look at Nox Law, Sphinx's grin disappeared and he said, "what the F! That's wrong man, why would you think that's the answer?"

"Male genital did not shut down the bomb?" Nox Law asked, "maybe boner is the word?"

"Noxy boy, please stop," Dara requested.

"Man what's wrong with you? Why are you gay!? You're about to die and all you can think about is di-" Sphinx was saying before Night Owl punched him again.

"Shut it down, now!"

Nox Law continued, "the bomb's still ticking? Maybe we'll have to try other words."

"No, don't! The answer is submarine, that's the only answer, nothing else," Sphinx said shutting down the bomb.

Night Owl pulled out his knife, "tell me what I need to know or hell is where I'll be sending you."

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