RECALL I: Operation time out

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Three years ago, Alkebulan, the capital city…

Five people sat in a briefing room. A bald man with a determined look, another with a low cut and a smug look, the last man with medium hair and shaved temple, and the girls, one was fair skinned and enthusiastic, the other was dark skinned and serious, they were all clothed in brown suit like uniforms.

"I wonder what the meeting is about," the one with low cut said.

"Sam, you don't need a prophet to tell you that it's an assault mission, what else do we do, we're an assault team!" The one with shaved temple said angrily.

"Woah, James, what's got you so mad?" The enthusiastic girl asked.

"I'm not angry, Agatha!" James yelled at her angrily.

"Maybe he was on vacation with his wife and daughter so he had to leave them mid vacation, and come back to duty, but before coming here, they had an argument about him putting family first but he comes back to duty anyway because he doesn't have a choice and he is infact doing this to provide for his family, in a way, putting them first, now he's angry because he feels that his wife should stop being a whiny attention whore and support him in times like these," the serious one said with a still expression.

"Wow, what a spot on, well detailed guess, Crystal!" Sam said.

"Did you just call my wife a whore?" James asked getting more angry.

"Hush everyone, the commander is coming!" Yelled the bald one.

An older woman wearing the same uniform but more decorated walked into the room.

"Agents!" She said.

They all greeted as they stood up.

"Captain Paul, how are you and your team doing today?" The commander asked.

"We're just fine, ma'am!" The bald one replied.

She urged them to sit.

"Okay, so you've been called here today for obvious reasons, an assault mission, we shall call it operation time out, so let's begin with the briefing…" she said walking putting on the large screen in front of them.

On it came the symbol of a black arrow facing right.

"This is the symbol of a terrorist group called the Clockwise rebellion, they have the belief that the nation is being moved in the wrong direction so it's their job to set us right, move us forward, clockwise." The commander said.

The symbol on the screen was replaced with a slideshow of dead bodies.

"They plan to over throne the government so they murder and assassinate top political heads," she continued.

The slideshow turn to that of injured and dead women and children.

"Sometimes, innocent civilians get caught in the cross fire, it's AEGIS' job to protect this country and it's people, and the Clockwise rebellion is a threat to them, we must end the life loss."

The screen showed the picture of a man with full gray turning hair and beard, he looked angry.

"That is the leader of the rebellion, Steven Somto, but otherwise known as the Regulator. He leads a group of over five hundred men, they often form alliances with other terrorists groups with similar goals, we have studied their attacks and have concluded that they're main base of operation is situated in the city of Entromoor."

The screen then displayed a mansion in a forest.

"We have even located their hide out, it's heavily fortified with many armed guards and security protocols, that's why you guys were chosen for the mission, the Night Owls, are the only team stealthy and strategic enough to get into that building and accomplish the mission, which is to infiltrate the mansion, apprehend and assassinate the Regulator."

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