ACT III: Vengeance refueled

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"James?" He heard Zack's voice, opened his eyes and saw him sitting on a chair eating biscuits, "oh thank God! You're finally awake!"

James was on his bed all bandaged up with a drip attached to him, he pulled it out as he sat up, "where's Naomi?"

Zack choked on a biscuit, "wh- what?"

James stood up rushing out of the room, "I had the most terrible nightmare, I just wanted to be sure they're safe, where's Ada and Lucy?"

"James, please stop," Zack said, following him behind.

"Lizzy! Mordy!" James called out.

Zack sighed, walked to their desktop and brought up something on screen, "James! I… I found them."

James rushed to him, "where? Where are they?"

Zack stood up from the chair and pointed at the computer, James sat down and saw on the screen news articles.

Formal AEGIS agent's entire family, whipped out in one night…

James Nabali, ex agent of AEGIS, had not only his family killed but also his comrades….

Only one body remained missing, Mordecai Uma Jr, the nephew of James Nabali, the rest of his teammates in a special task force under AEGIS were all killed…

A secret AEGIS task force has been brought to light after four of their members were killed, and only one survived the entire team assassination…

James began to cry, tears pouring from his eyes, Zack held him by the shoulder, "you do this everytime you wake up from an injury, please stop."

It was as though Zack's statement made him to cry harder and louder, Zack just let him be.

After a long while, his loud cries gradually died down, Zack came on to meet a serious faced James, just like that, he was done with his grifting.

"How long was I out?" James asked walking towards his book shelf

"About two weeks, I wasn't counting," Zack replied.

The shelf slid open and James walked in, "did I miss anything?"

"Yeah, robberies, mostly that high tech heist, four trucks stole tech about six times while you were out but the seventh time was stopped by your replacement!"

"Replacement?" James was curious.

"Yeah, Nox Law, is what he calls himself, dresses as a cop and has been doing what you do for a short while now," Zack informed.

"Well, the substitute's time is up, the original is back!" James declared.

"James, they think the Owl is dead, that's why Nox Law took over, why not leave it that way, the cops hate you and you can live a normal life, move on?"

"Not when I finally found the ninja who took everything away from me!" James said through clenched teeth.

"It is why you started this in the first place," Zack said.

The sun came down, masking the entire city in darkness, the steams covering most of the moon light, Night Owl rode on his bike heading towards the sewer entrance.

On the way there, he saw a small group of thugs robbing a fuel station shop, he braked and snuck towards the shop.

One of them held his rifle by their old rusty getaway car, he was smoking a cigarette with closed eyes, and seemed to have been drifted far away by it.

He open his eyes too see Night Owl In front of him, Night Owl pointed at a do not smoke sign put up on one of the fuel pumps, "can't you read?"

The thug shrieked in fear and said, "sorry, I just forgot, I'll put it out right now!" He then tried to aim his rifle at Night Owl.

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