ACT I: The Clockwise resurgence

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Night Owl ran passed numerous cars breaking multiple road laws in the process, he then passed the police cars and made it to the site before them.

A large gated compound with a bunch of warehouses placed about, the security guards were already dead on the ground.

The gate collapsed, as he braked to inspect the situation, he was blinded by head lambs of a large truck coming for the exit.

Night Owl quickly rode out of the way for five trucks to drive out at high speed, he wasted no time and rode after them.

They began to fan out going in different directions, Night Owl picked one to follow, for a truck, it was moving pretty fast, he had to ride harder to catch up.

He threw a small bomb at the truck back tire when he got close enough, after the minor explosion, the whole tire came off cause the truck to lose control, and tumble unto a group of pedestrians on the sidewalk, they ran away except one little boy who just watch the truck fall towards him with fear.

Night Owl sped with his bike and grabbed the boy just before the truck crashed into the wall, he dropped the boy and shooed him away with a hand gesture.

Out of the smashed truck fell a large amount of tech equipments, the driver crawled out of the vehicle, his face concealed by a red mask.

He tried to run but Night Owl ran him over immediately, he turned to run him over again but saw him holding a high tech looking hand cannon, and out of it came a bolt of lightning that he tried hard to dodge.

He managed to maneuver out of the real danger but the explosion the bolt caused behind him still forced him and his bike to fall.

He quickly stood up and saw the criminal running, he picked up his bike and rode after him.

Upon getting close to running him over again, the criminal diverted into an ally, Night Owl followed him up, but had to come off his bike because the runner had started climbing up a fire escape ladder.

They both made it to the roof and the chase continued.

The runner seriously started to sweat running and jumping from roof to roof, he stopped and help up his hands, "wait, wait, let's just go on a short break to catch our brea-"

Night Owl punched him square in his face, his metal gauntlet breaking his nose upon impact.

The runner flew off the roof, and the Night Owl tried to grab him but couldn't.

Luckily, he fell onto a steam train, considerably unharmed, getting back to his feet, he looked up and gave Night Owl the middle finger, "ha, stupid mother fu- AAAHHHHRRR!"

Night Owl shot his finger off with his pistol, out of his two guns, one was a normal bullet pistol and the other was a tranquilizer dart pistol.

The runner cried out looking at his lost finger, Night Owl jumped onto the moving train and charged at him.

With a powerful tackle, he was taken down, Night Owl was over him with a knife in his hand, "won't ask twice…" he said in a grim cold voice, "... why the theft?"

"Like I'll tell you anythi- AHHH!" The criminal cried as Night Owl stabbed his hand with the knife.

The criminal was forced to cry again after Night Owl stabbed him more times.

Slowly, his cries turned to laughter, "ha ha ha, there's a time for everything, a time for dawn and a time for dusk, and oh the dawn that's coming can not be stopped, it is inevitable!" He then pulled the pin of a grenade In his other hand.

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