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The wind was blowing my hair all around me; much to my dismay. With the wind blowing and the sun peaking it's way over the eastern hill of the village, it appeared to be like any of my other mornings I've spent out on the moors. I spend most of my mornings away from the crowded village and up on the southern hill with a book in my lap and a tree trunk to my back.

Todays selection was about a young girl who is one of many sisters, she goes to the ball with her ma and pa to see their new neighbor, a young man with a charm and eye for her elder sister. His friend on the other hand, although brooding and mysterious, is much more handsome with his dark hair. Too bad his personality is not as handsome as his visage. My I love this book, the enemies to lovers trope has always been a favorite of mine, perhaps because I'm patient?

I finish the chapter where their neighbor leaves to go back to his home in London, leaving her sister a sad and stoic mess. With a snap of the book after placing a feather in the page, I close my eyes and take a deep breath of the cool crisp air; allowing it to swirl in my lungs before I exhale it into mist.

I stand up from my seat and place the book into my leather satchel that's strapped across my body. I smooth out my skirt and adjust the bodice of my corset before making my way down the dirt path of the southern hill. I make my steps light in the thin black shoes I'm wearing, as to not step too harshly on something sharp. The path was beautiful this time of year; full of wild flowers, sweet grass, and bushes of blackberries.

My feet finally find the stone walk ways of the village and my ears hear the distant sound of the bustling morning. I make my way quickly past the many shops and into the library on the corner of Henry's avenue. I press my back against the door after closing it behind me and sigh in relief to get away from the prejudice gaze and whispering of the town.

    "I see my revenue has returned once more. You know, if you came in anymore than you already do you could keep this business open and food in my belly all year round?" I hear the deep gruffly voice of Arthur tease me from behind the desk and many bookshelves. Arthur was an older gentleman with thick salt and pepper hair with a plain and well-groomed mustache that perfectly paired with his dark amber eyes.

     "You know I have an inkling you would go crazy without my intellectual brain picking around this shop and telling of all my favorite things about the owners collection." I snarked back to him with a playful smirk on my face as I walk across to rest my elbows on the desk where he sat. He smiled up at me set his quill down from his work. He stood from the desk and rounded to stand in front of me.

   "What is it that you would like to see from my treasure trove today Angeletta?" He questioned with a glimmer in his eyes and a smile on his face. Arthur has always been kind, his wife Mary, always tells me about the many tales he tells her as he brushes her hair at night before they go to bed. She says that he has always got his mind thinking of some new adventure but it's a pity he isn't ambitious to set them alive. I'm just glad he is a writer so that I can read his clever and awe inspiring stories for myself.

  "Well, I was hoping for an original by you, Mr. Artie." I said in chirp with an over dramatic smile that showed my gums and dimples off to the 65 year old, hoping that I can sell him on my very amazing idea.

  "Hmmm... a rather interesting idea indeed. How about, you give me some time and I will have a book written and binded with the title being Angel Rose ?" He asked suggestively and I couldn't help breaking out into a huge natural smile.

"A book that's made for me? Well how could I argue?" I faked my thoughtfulness with a smirk, "It's a deal Mr. Artie." I gave him my hand to shake and he reciprocated with his own cool hands.

"I have some books of my own that my father has back from around the world, I shall make due until I see the new publication by you." I state as I slowly make myself out the door backwards. "Until then, Arthur!" I shout as I make my way with a skip down the cobblestone path around the edges of the roads.

Granada was our town name, name for our best export, pomegranates. The orchard was just over my southern hill. Right now it's only September but come the next few months we will have pomegranates out of our ears. Granada sits just a few miles away from the Toro mountain. The weather here is mild mostly but living on an island with many villages the politics are everything.

I make my way up the stone steps to my door, when I hear my name being called. "Angeletta! Angeletta Rose!" The annoying shouts of my least favorite person can be heard from around the world it seems. I try to ignore him and make a quick and swift entry to my home but his harsh grip turns me around.

Now facing him I can see the strained smile on his face. Victor Acosta was not my favorite person and he was very persistent to make my father give him my hand. He has dark brown hair, a pale complexion and hazel eyes that seem to have fire in them when anyone makes him upset. Which is a normal occurrence on my end. Victor is not a patient or calm person and many of times I have been on the receiving end of his anger at my refusal of his 'heart'.

  "Victor, how can I help you?" I ask him with a forced smile, his fingers had been digging into my shoulders and I just wanted to appease him so would let me go. He gives a crooked smile and steps back a small step finally releasing my arms. I sigh in relief and straighten myself to look taller.

"My rose, I'd like to speak to your father about our love! Is he at home?" He says in his near condescending voice. He placed his hands on his hips and then shoulders me out of the way and make his way into my home. I follow him hurriedly to get pa away from him.

"Richard? I've come to ask about having your daughters hand!" He shouts through the small stucco house. I hear a clattering of objects falling to the floor and then see my fathers head peak out of the hallway across from the front door. My father was a handsome man for his age; a blue and green eye, blonde hair that has turned white and a scruffy beard to match his plump cheeks. He was tall and had an aloof attitude but he was such a softie for my mom and me.

  "Ah, Victor, Nice of you to stop by. I'm sorry but I don't think my Angel is going to be getting married anytime soon. She's all I have of my sweet Evangeline." My pa says as he wraps a protective arm around my shoulders and gives me a light squeeze. I look at Victor hesitantly, but to my surprise he was just chuckling and smiling.

    "That's completely fine Richard, but do put me at the top of the list when you do consider. I'll be off now." Victor seemed completely fine if you didn't know him. But I know that tone, and that screamed trouble. Pa looked at me and smirked, "why don't you come help me pack for my next excursion?" He suggested as he released his hug from me and stepped back into his bedroom down the hall.

I placed a hand to my chest and stopped my anxiety from freezing me where I stood. With a deep breath I sit my satchel down on a chair by the door and take my shoes off before making my way to Pa.

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