Ch. 5

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I have never felt more trapped by beauty in my life. I have never been in such a luxurious place before, and being imprisoned only dampened the experience. I scowl to myself as I sit up from the bed I had been laying on for hours. I had yet to change into the clothes I had been given.

  I finally sit up with an exasperated huff and grab the clothes to examine more closely. It appeared to be a set of bloomers and a lace and silk nightgown. The pale pink night gown was ankle length and the bloomers were so expensive I felt myself flush knowing that señora Paloma had picked these out for me. With a shake of my head I finally take off my ripped brown cotton cloak and cross the room to hang it on a coat rack by the door.

I loosen the ties on the brown dress and finally slide out of it. I untie my corset and set it on the vanity for myself tomorrow. I finally take off my chemise and bloomers and sigh, standing naked in the room I find a dressing screen and set it up by the vanity for my own privacy. I grab the new clothes and set the down on the vanity chair before I reach across the room to pull the rope to call someone. I was hoping for a fresh pot of water for the washing basin for myself. My bare feet on the cold marble floor made me shiver and hold myself tightly as I waited.

Finally I hear a knock and someone let themselves in. I sigh in relief finally call out, "Thank goodness, can I get some hot water for my washing basin?" I inquire and I hear a flutter of fabric.

   "If you want a bath dear we can take you to a tub," I hear my fluttering before a robe of the same pink of the nightgown. I throw it on and tie it securely around myself. I step out from behind the screen after grabbing the bloomers and nightgown. Señora Smiles at me before leasing the way out of the room and around the confusing halls of the castle.

Finally we reach a dark walnut door and she opens it for me allowing me to step inside fist. My eyes are drawn to the huge ornate window behind the tub with a view of the raining landscape. There was a steaming bath waiting for me. I had never seen a gold detailed claw foot porcelain tub before. It was beautiful. Beside the tub was a wooden stool with oils and a bar of soap and a Cotten cloth. I smile so widely from the excitement filling me to take a luxurious bath.

"I'll step out and make some tea for you tipaza, there's a rope by the door for you to ring if you need anything." She tells me as she sets up a privacy screen that had intricately designed roses and swirls; With a white painted base.

"Thank you senora." I call before I heard the door of the room click shut behind her. I quickly untie my robe and drape it over the screen before hurrying over to get into the tub. The warm water was better than I could imagine. I felt so relaxed that I sat there for a long while without moving my head tilted back over the edge with a deep sigh and a smile.

"I could get used to this." I whispered to the empty room. I reach over to the oils and settle on vanilla and peppermint. I dip my cloth into the water with the lye soap and begin to wash myself all over. Then I used the oils and mixed them into the bath before putting some onto the cloth and rubbing it all over my body.

I heard the door open once again and I smile with my eyes closed once again tilting my head back on the tub. "Señora, can I request that I am allowed a bath every night? This is the most wonderful experience." I call with a deep sigh following before opening my eyes.

I got no response. Odd. "Señora Paloma, could you give me a towel to dry off." I call again but received no answer, only the shuffling of fabric from behind the screen. I see a towel draped on the screen silently.

"Thank you so much. I can't begin to express my gratitude. I have never been taken care of by a womanly figure since I was young. It is very refreshing to be taken care of for once." I tell to the silence, my heart dropping in mood before I try to laugh it off.

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