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I wake up the next day in the late evening. Well I suppose it was evening? Now that I think of it, there never been true sunlight since I've entered the castle. Perhaps there's just constant clouds these past days but I didn't feel as though that was a correct theory. I sit up from my laying position and glance around the room.

On the bedside there was a cup of tea and some hot broth and bread on a tray. I hop out of bed and pick up the porcelain cup and walk over to the window by the bed and stare out over the cloudy and darkened landscape. It looked like it could rain at any moment but there was also a light layer of fluffy snow on the ground.

I sip the tea while I was deep in thought, the door creaks open and I turn to the sound. There was someone new, a young girl who had copper eyes and complexion, she had dark brown hair and was curvy under her apron. She had a serious visage to her but I could tell she was tender hearted. I offer her a smile.

    "Good morning, chaparrita." She starts as she clasps her hands in front of her and bowing her head slightly, "I am Camille, Your ladies maid." She finishes and i furrow my brows and step closer.

   "I'm sorry? But why would I need a ladies maid?" I ask as I set my finished tea cup onto its saucer. I step forward and smile at her kindly.

    "No need to fret over the whys chaparrita. Let's have you dressed and then you may finish breaking your fast." She tells me as she steps towards the wardrobe to sift through the clothes to look for my attire.

    "Is there any colors or fabrics you'd prefer, chaparrita?" She inquires as she glanced back from the clothes. I shake my head no as I step up behind her to watch her work. She nods and grabs out a pale ivory lace and satin lingerie gown. It was positively beautiful. I couldn't hold in the huge grin taking over my face.

     "This should do for promenading and tea today." She states as she grabs out bloomers and a chemise and new stays for me as well. She gestures me to come to her and pulls me behind the privacy screen. I do as I must: I undress quickly and change into the bloomers and then throw on the chemise. I step and pull the corset around me and Camille finally starts lacing it up and begins to tie it only slightly tighter than I do for myself. I felt more supported that's for sure. She takes the gown and places it over my head and and I pull my arms through the long lace sleeves and adjust the shoulders puffs slightly before she buttons me up and ties a pink ribbon around my waist to give me the illusion of a smaller waist.

She steps back and gently guided me to the vanity to start in my hair. She starts to brush my very long hair and huffs in irritation.

    "You certainly have long hair chaparrita." She groans as she finally brushes it all and starts to powder my hair and then back combing it. She throws it up into an everyday pompadour hairstyle I've seen many women wearing lately. I smile at my reflection. She starts to brush a pink powder onto my cheeks and then mixes some with beef tallow to place in my lips. I was amazed at my reflection and excitedly look up to Camille with a happy smile. I give her an excited hug. She groans and gently removed my hands from her waist.

     "I will leave now, finish your breakfast and I will come back once you ring." She tells me before retreating from the room.

I sigh and I love across the room grabbing the bowl and drinking it slowly as I waltz myself across to the window. Gazing at the rain hitting the glass. I could just faintly hear it hitting the glass of the castle in the slightest drizzle. The broth warmed me from the inside out and I smiled at the lovely taste it provided me. I danced my way back to the tray and picked up the bread to eat as I grabbed the copy of Wuthering Heights I had on my bedside. I sat in my vanity chair tearing pieces of bread off as I read intently. Once I was at a stopping point and the bread was gone, I stood and rang the rope for Camille.

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