Your Cat (Ticci Toby x reader)

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(Had a random dream where Toby turned into a cat for some reason and followed me around- i thought it was cute, so it's a variation of that dream I had


A normal day. That's all it was meant to be. Go with your friend to drop off things to the witch. It was a simple job.

Drop off. Collect. Leave.

But with Toby, that's never all that simple now is it?

Now you stand, staring in awe at the mess in the kitchen.

A mess he had made in a way only Toby could.

With the stove set on fire and potions from the cabinet were on the ground. You could only assume what he had done, having likely started the fire on accident and went looking for a way to correct it.

"Ms. P, you might need to look at this? " You said slowly- you had only been gone for a moment.

You glanced at the witch before turning your eyes to the messy cabinet and the pair of goggles on the ground, along with a hoodie.

"Oh dear, Toby was playing around in here, I told him not to"

"Where.. is he?" You asked slowly, taking a step into the room and picking up his hoodie, your question answering it's self as a small kitten with the same fluffy brown hair and familiar chocolate brown eyes tumbled out with a small thud and a confused meow.

You stared. "Toby?"

The cats head whips up to look at you, a small part of its cheek was missing. It was him alright.

"Um, Ms. P I think Toby turned himself into a cat on accident"

The witch approaches and looks over your shoulder with disinterested eyes. "it'll be 10 hours till he turns back. I'm not surprised by his actions, I warned him already"

She then turns with a small giggle, sending grinny to clean up the mess as you pick up the small kitten along with Toby's clothes. Both cat and owner were entertained by the boys antics, Grinny especially as he teased the boy out the door.

"You're in trouble, you know that?"

Toby looks up at you, slumping back in your arm as you held him like a baby, his tiny cat paws curling up as he looked at you with wide eyes and pinned ears.


That's not easy to stay mad at.

"Toby" you warned him.

He stares at you, wide innocent eyes as he slowly reaches a paw up, and presses it against your your lips. You felt your face fluster as you held back your cuteness aggression.

He's too cute.

Clearly, he seems to know it.

"You win"

You sigh as you begin to head home, Toby contently purring in your arms as you walked with him, you fingers lightly brushing his soft fur. " You seem to be getting a hold of this cat thing" you said chuckling.

Toby made a small hum in response, his wide eyes looking up at you for a moment before staring forward once more as you opened the front door and set him up on the couch. Without thinking you gave his head a few pats.

"Why do you get yourself into the weirdest situations?" You asked, and Toby gave you a sheepish look, one that said 'dunno. Love me though, right?' as he head bumped his forehead into your palm.

And love on him you did, taking the small proxy in your arms and carrying him to bed. The day had just ended and you were rather exhausted, and clearly he was too- curling up in your lap as you covered yourself up and flicked on a cheesy horror movie to watch. You couldn't help but notice, just how quiet it was now that Toby was a cat. He wasn't shouting or making a mess, he was just being sweet, purring sleepily. You could get used to-

Trick your Treat (Creepypasta Various! X Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now