Coffee for your head ( Homicidal Liu x Reader )

210 2 13

You had awoken, just like any other day of the week, month, and year. But this time, you felt odd.

Every inch of your body felt sore, your head buzzed with a migraine that swished behind your eyes and played on your temples. Your face felt as if it were a marshmallow and your nasal passages were full of water.

You sat up, opening up your eyes that still felt sore while your body cried for more rest. You felt hot and cold all over at once, and then?

You sneezed. Which triggered you to start coughing, had your throat always been this sore? Your mouth, this dry?

No. You were sick. And clearly struggling.

With groggy movements, you carefully crawled from your bed with a throw blanket over your shoulders. You shivered, everything felt so cold from the floor to the way the air blew around your room. Why was the AC on?

With slow, zombie like steps you stumbled out to your hallway and turned the thermostat off. Next to the box on the wall was a clock, which read 11:30 am- you sighed.

Mail ran, and who else can check it but you?

With begrudging steps you made your way to your living room and carefully placed your throw blanket against the back of your couch and pulled your jacket on over your pjs, before slipping your boots on and making your way through the freshly fallen snow, shivering as you searched your keys for the mailbox key. As you had you hadn't noticed the taller man coming up next to you to do the same thing.

"Hey- y/n, right? Haven't seen you in a few days" his sweet, soft voice said. If your face could get any redder it would've, but luckily the fever helped cover that.

You looked up to your left, confirming your suspensions.

Next to you stood your neighbor you couldn't help but find attractive. He had been there for you since the first day you moved in next to him. You could remember it clear as day.


"Clover, you stupid cat don't do th-"

Before you could finish your sentence your cat tripped you, pulling her leash to go after a bird, which made both you and the box you held tumble to the ground. You sat up with a groan.

"You okay there?"

That voice. It was smooth and soft, with a hint of laughter behind it. It sounded like a males voice. You were nearly startled by the boy who had crouched down in front of you- he was the same age as you, and had the prettiest green eyes you had seen on anyone, he had a few scars and stitches over his face- but that didn't stop you from wanting to kiss his fluffy pink lips- his light brown hair framed his face perfectly as well.

"I.. Yea I'm fine"

You carefully began cleaning up the box you had dropped.

"You're new around here, aren't ya?" He chuckled as he began to wordlessly help you gather things together, if you had known any better you would've noticed his voice going deeper when he asked that. Your embarrassment began to ring in your ears, you blamed the tone influx on it.

"Y-yea I am. Um- I'm moving in to 203" you muttered. Too much information? Likely. Would you have cared if he broke into your house? Probably not.

"No way, my apartment is 202. Looks like we're neighbors" he chuckled, there it was again. That odd infliction in his voice that made you look up at him. You both stared at each other for a moment, before he cleared his throat.

Trick your Treat (Creepypasta Various! X Reader) one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang