Friends? (Jason The Toy Maker X Reader)

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Lonely, that's all you seemed to be. From your childhood isolation, to the way you sat behind your computer in your adult life. 

It's all you seemed to have, really. Just you, this bright screen, yourself and your home. 

You glanced down at your clock, noticing the way the time had ticked by, before you had become aware of it- it had already turned 3 in the morning.

 Sighing, you got up and stretched, deciding to go for a cup of water before bed. You carefully made your way through the dark hallway of your home when you felt your foot come into contact with something.. Soft. Frowning, you flicked the light on, and stared down at the plush rabbit at your feet.  

With a confused look on your face you leaned down and carefully picked the fluffy thing up. White fluffy body with a spotted arm, the other was stripped and it's legs were a solid blue color- buttons collected them. You stared into it's black dotted eyes, taking in it's red poka dotted ear and its black one with white stars. 

"Where did you come from?" You asked softly, tilting your head as you took the toy into your arms, you then noticed another- it was smaller and grey. With small button eyes with a wind up key on it's back. It has small ears, along with a tiny yarn tail- all in pink. 

You approached it, but as you bent down to pick it up, it suddenly wound it's self up and began to zip off somewhere in the house. With confusion but more so curiosity about the small thing- you followed it, all the way till it went through a small hole at the bottom of a blue door you don't remember having in your house. 

You stared, in aw but also in more confusion- slight paranoia and anxiety began to rise up as you approached the door, and pressed your ear against it- you could faintly hear a music box humming a tune, and movement. 

You took an unsure step back, and carefully knocked on the door. You felt crazy for it, but it's not like anyone would believe you when you say a door appeared in your house and, honestly? Who's going to believe you?

It was quiet for a moment, when suddenly- a voice called out from behind the door. 

"Who is it?" 

There shouldn't have been anyone else here except you. You felt like puking from the fear that raised inside you as you grasped the rabbit in your arms. 

"I.. I think I can ask the same" 

Suddenly, the door swung open- and a man in a top hat popped out. 

A black and white hat, with long red hair cut in a sort of a mullet- he had a nice looking vest on over his dress shirt- who's sleeves were rolled up and his hands were covered in various colors, as if he were just painting. He had some black makeup- or tattoo? on his neck, along with a little symbol on his cheek under his eye. 

"My, how rude of me to give you a gift but not introduce myself! You looked so busy though so I couldn't help myself. Do you like him?" The man asked with a wide grin, yellow eyes stared at you excitedly as sharp teeth made themselves aware to you. 

This man wasn't normal. Something was telling you he wasn't human either. 

"What do you.. Mean?"

This made the male laugh. "The rabbit, silly! Do you like him? " 

You blinked, looking down at the rabbit in your arms. "I- Oh uh, he's cute. Really cute actually. And super soft." you flashed the man a nervous smile. 

"I uh, still don't know who you are but thank you" 

This made the red headed male gasp. "Where are my manners? Why- I'm Jason! Jason the Toy Maker at your service!" 

Trick your Treat (Creepypasta Various! X Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now