It's okay, Thomas.

Start from the beginning

"Thomas, listen to yourself!" The brunette chided, as the cries became impossible to subdue.

It was then, Thomas stopped. He watched as Alex fruitlessly tried to calm their child. The unfamiliar scene, bringing him back.

"Christ" He quickly reached for her, snapping back to reality. Realizing that Alex had been the one to deal with her for most of that morning. "I'm so sorry." He supplied as he shushed the babe in his arms. "I should've taken her from you sooner, you should rest." His eyes were lost, as if somewhere else, entirely.

"Thomas, Thomas, sit." The younger man grabbed his forearm and guided him closer to the bed. "Are you alright?" They locked eyes.

"Yeah... I'm sorry. Today's been a lot."

"I know. I know. Thomas, you haven't slept yet. Give her back and take a nap, huh?" Hamilton could see, the last 24 hours were wearing his other half thin.

"No." The other quickly dismissed. "James is going to be here soon, I can't sleep now."

"Thomas I'm serious." He cupped the older man's cheek with his hand.

"I know."

"Alright then. Once Madison leaves, and we've dealt with this. You'll put her in the bassinet and go to sleep. Yes?"

"Sure." He agreed.

"I can't let you pass out, with little Grace in your arms."

He smiled as he looked at the baby in his partner's arms. Her eyes now closed again, as the redness from her cries slowly dissipated. A little bit of snot peaking out her small button nose, a tiny fist by her cheek.

With his exhausted brain running at a slower speed, Thomas took a moment to react.

"Grace?" He asked, confused.

"I think it suits her." Alex supplied.

Hamilton counted the seconds in his mind as he watched the realization come over Jefferson's face. The darker man grinned, tiredly.

"Our little Grace Rachel." He looked down and caressed her other cheek with his index finger.

"Grace Rachel Eleanor Jefferson."

Alexander completed and watched the wave of emotion wash over the other man's face. Thomas looked up, and met his gaze, as tears rolled down each of his cheeks. He let out a muffled sob, careful not to wake her.


Madison had arrived, and Thomas was waiting for him in the hallway. He knew he was going to have to ease his friend into this. The anticipation, eating away at him as he waited. It didn't take long until he saw the familiar form emerge from the elevator.

"Thomas! I'm so glad to see you." Uncharacteristically, James gave him a hug.

"Woah- yeah. It's great to see you too..."

"Is this the room? Is he inside?" Madison seemed in a rush.

"Yeah..." Jefferson inhaled and exhaled loudly. "But, before you come in. There are some things you need to know first."

Madison frowned.


"What you are about to see. Is the most precious thing in my life. And you need to carefully think about every word you are going to say. Because I do not need any of your shit right now." His voice was low but stern, thoroughly confusing the other man. "And, no. Alex is not transgender. He is a man-"

"Thomas, what are you sayin'-" He chuckled nervously.

"-she's is biologically his and mine. We're both exhausted. We have had a terrible night. And if you can't handle what's behind that door. We are through."

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