Look... There it is.

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That next day Alexander was crawling up the walls with stress. He was restless all day, walking back and forth, trying to find things to take his mind off of it. When Thomas finally arrived, Alex was covered in sweat, terrified. They got in the car and drove. Once he thought about it, Alex actually had no clue where they were going. Had Thomas set something up? Had he called a doctor? Made an appointment? His mind was racing, constantly, right up till they parked. The pair stepped into a walk-in Obstetrics/Gynecology clinic. A few women, gawking at them as they walked the halls up to the reception.

"Hello, how may I help you." Smiled the receptionist.

"Hi." Thomas answered with a relaxed smile. "We'd like to sign in for a check-up."

Alex stood off to the side, terrified.

"Right away. And where is your partner?" She asked, oblivious.


Thomas grabbed Alex by the waist, pulling him closer to him. The look on the young woman's face told them everything they needed to know. This was not going well. What the hell was Thomas thinking?
They were about to get thrown out.

"I'm sorry, Sir. Is this a joke?"

"What part of this is funny to you?" The taller man riposted.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Her smile never left her face.

"What? Why? I'm serious. We'd like to see a doctor."

"Sir. Please, leave the premises."

Thomas began to argue, his fist tightening around his cane as their voices got louder. All Hamilton wanted to do was crawl into a hole and never come out. The commotion at the reception was attracting attention from all sides. Women in the waiting area stared as the darker man reasoned with the receptionist. They were almost beginning to shout when a woman in scrubs and a white coat came to intervene.

"Excuse me, Mister..."


"I'm Doctor Hosack. What seems to be the problem?"

Thomas was still pissed; he wouldn't let the woman's nice demeanor fool him.

"I was just trying to be courteous in explaining that my partner needs to see a physician but, I'm not being taken seriously." He almost spoke through gritted teeth.

"I see." The uncertainty on the woman's face was evident as she took in the couple in front of her.

"Why don't we go to my office and see what we can do for you, alright?"

The two men looked at each other skeptically but followed her nonetheless.

Once inside, they all sat down to talk, explaining why they were there. Alexander's face was burning red with embarrassment, he had kept his secret for so long, and he now felt like he had to tell every new person he met. But even after their truthful explanation, the woman looked somewhat doubtful.

"Look, all we need is a routine check-up, and we'll get out of your hair."

The woman sighed heavily and complied, taking Alexander to the exam table. She checked his vitals, from blood pressure to temperature, and even listened to his heart and lungs, thankfully finding nothing unusual. His BP was high but, that wasn't a surprise; he was so scared he would've jumped at the sight of his own shadow.

"Do you know how far along you are?"

"I uh-" Alex hadn't expected the question. "They said something about 10 weeks when I was in the E.R. two months ago."

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