It's okay, Thomas.

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The next couple of hours were quite surreal for both of them. Neither man had had any prior contact with a newborn, not to mention, she was theirs. Which added an entire other layer to their newfound parental anxiety. Thankfully, the hospital staff was there to help. A nurse showed Thomas how to change a diaper, and was there to monitor how well he did.

They were also taught how to prepare formula since Alexander wasn't able to breastfeed. That, and milk banks were going to be their best friend for the months to come. And if their little girl wasn't adorable enough already. A tech came in and made prints of the bottom of her feet. That they would later be able to take home. It had probably been the busiest morning they'd had in months if not years, and they hadn't shared the good news with their friends yet.

It was quiet again in the room and around half past twelve when Jefferson's phone rang.


"Thomas?! Are you alright? I've just heard Lafayette telling Washington he's been to see you in hospital. Is everything alright?" Madison's concerned voice sounded in his ear.

The Virginian put the call on speakerphone so Alex could hear.

"I'm fine. It was Alex who needed the hospital." He confirmed.

"Is he alright?" There was definite fright in the other man's voice.

The younger man's brows rose in surprise, as he held their sleeping daughter in his arms. He hadn't realized how much he apparently mattered to Madison.

"I'm yeah, he's alright now." The man paused, uncertainly. "You know what? We're at JHMC, can you come?"

Hamilton didn't understand why his lover seemed so hesitant with his words.

"Yes! I'll be right there. I'm on my way."

The rustling of papers could be heard in the background.

"And- James?"

"Yes?" There was still some worry in his voice.

"Text me when you're here, I'll text ya the room number." The taller man licked his lips, as he ended the call.

The air stilled, as neither of them said anything. The lock screen sound - the only disturbance, as Thomas locked his phone.

"You never told him did you?"


The pregnant pause lasted longer than intended.


"I..." He raised his hand to explain, but it dropped quickly. "I didn't know how... It seemed easier to ignore it at the time, than try and make him understand."

"Are you afraid of what he's going to say?" The younger tested the waters.

"Of course, I'm afraid of what he's going to say!" The man cut in as he suddenly rose to his feet.

The baby fussed in the Caribbean's arms at the commotion.

"I know he can be an asshole sometimes. But he's been by my side for so long - he's a friend. I know him." The baby began to cry. "And if there's one thing that could drive a permanent wedge between him and me... Well, this could be it. I'm afraid he wouldn't understand."

He ran a hand through his hair, pacing in frustration, as Alexander tried to soothe their little girl.

"At first, I thought it was gonna be you." He continued rambling.

"Hey!" The baby cried louder as the tension rose.

"I guess, he somehow wrapped his head around it, but this? Her?"

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