Kai couldn't help but return Stefan's look with a grin of his own. “‘Sup.”

   The sound of Lorrie gasping only slightly brought their attention off of each other. “I'm so happy for you two! See, Stefan! I told you we'd find your mate! I. Told. You.”

   The woman accentuated each of the final words with nudges to her son's side.

   “Yeah, yeah,” Stefan waved her off, far too entranced in the cerulean depths in front of him. 

   “Sweet,” Kai stepped forward, an unfairly obscene smirk carving its way onto his tanned flesh as he leaned into Stefan's space, surprising the vampire. “By the way, you're, like, super hot. So this is absolutely a score for me. We're gonna be the hottest couple at every picnic we go to.”

   “Okay…” Stefan breathily uttered as Kai's hands settled on his shoulders, the other man's warmth soaking deliciously through the thin t-shirt that clung (just as deliciously, in Kai's opinion) to Stefan like a second layer of skin. He was tempted to simply rip his sleeves off just so their skin could fully meet, but he resisted in favor of not scaring his mom.

   “Does this mean you're coming with us to-” Lorrie began, but was cut off by Stefan's immediate reply.

   “Yes, I’d go anywhere with you,” even though Kai wasn't the one to ask the question, Stefan directed his answer to his mate.

   “At least I get to take one of my kids to New Orleans,” Lorrie mumbled to herself, realizing she wasn't going to be getting any sort of conversation with the two other than a one way podcast.

   “I'll just…” and with that, Lorrie skipped away to her car and whipped out her DS to play Pokémon while she waited for the two to come back to reality.


   The view Lorrie got from within the passenger seat of Klaus' car as they drove down the streets of New Orleans was absolutely breathtaking. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen, which was saying something as she'd seen a shit ton of pretty things in her time. This place was just a completely different breed of beauty, from the architectural layouts of the many houses to the blended mess of incredible people.

   "This is just… wow," Lorrie breathed out, her eyes wide as she couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from the streets. She had her head stuck out the window, much to the amusement of Klaus and Finn (who were the only ones in this car, as Kol and Elijah lost a game of Rock Paper Scissors. Those two were now stuck with Stefan and Kai… and as they were newly found mates… let's just say it was definitely undesirable to be stuck in a confined space with them for an extended period of time).

   If Lorrie hadn't been halfway out the window, she probably would have missed the guy on the sidewalk sending a terrified look at the driver's side of the car before vamp speeding away, his trail cold in the vibrant crowd.

   She leaned back into the car. “We're gonna have visitors before we can settle in.”

   Klaus glanced at her, his brows furrowed. “Why's that, love?”

   “Some shifty as shit guy saw you and fled in terror. He clearly didn't have the backbone to be the boss, so my guess is that he's spreading the news ‘til it gets to them,” Lorrie leisurely leaned back in her seat, her back absorbing the heat from the seats happily. “Ah, I love heated seats. Best invention, hands down.”

   Because Klaus had already begun plotting for this unforeseen disruption, Finn responded instead. “I completely agree. This is positively marvelous, my love.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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