𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘝𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘛𝘰𝘶𝘳

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Sereia felt her nerves tighten like an unyielding coil as she stepped onto the stage in District 12, Larissa's notes clutched in her hands. The weight of the memories of the Games, and the responsibility of representing her victory on the victors' tour pressed upon her shoulders. Her hands started shaking uncontrollably as the crowd waited for her speech.

Standing on the stage in District 12, Sereia took a steadying breath, Larissa's notes guiding her as she began,

"District 12, I stand before you as a victor, The Capitol, in its wisdom, has provided opportunities for us to shine. We must acknowledge the privileges bestowed upon us and use them to strengthen our community. I carry the weight of those we lost in the arena, and in the Capitol's grace, we find the strength to rebuild." Sereia spoke into the mic as she read the words Larissa had written for her.

Though both of them had disagreed with what Sereia had to say, it must be done under the orders of President Snow.

A growing unease began to spread through the audience, the tension palpable. "In the face of Capitol generosity, we rise," she continued, but the response was a mixture of discontent and muted protest. "Let our unity be a testament to the Capitol's benevolence. District 12, we are more than the sum of our struggles, and together, we'll continue to thrive under the Capitol's guidance."

As the crowd's anger escalated, Sereia could feel the intensity of their disapproval. Larissa, recognizing the escalating tension, acted swiftly. With a firm yet gentle grip, she pulled Sereia away from the microphone. Sereia, caught between loyalty to District 12 and the Capitol's expectations, couldn't escape the weight of the crowd's disapproval.

Sereia, despite the tension in the air, turned around and returned to the microphone. A hush fell over the audience as she took a deep breath, her voice carrying a sincere tone of regret.

"District 12, I hear you, and I understand the pain we share. I spoke from a place of the Capitols expectations, but I realize the importance of our unity and the bond that defines us. I apologize if the words that were put in my mouth caused confusion or hurt," she addressed the crowd, the sincerity in her eyes attempting to bridge the divide.

Larissa's eyes widened in disbelief as Sereia offered her apology. The tension in the air thickened, and before they could comprehend the crowd's reaction, Peacekeepers, faces stern, emerged from the shadows. They seized both Sereia and Larissa, dragging them away from the unruly scene on the stage.

As the Peacekeepers briskly led Sereia and Larissa backstage, they were met by the intense gaze of Jude, the Capitol handler assigned to oversee Sereia's tour. His expression remained unreadable, a mask of authority that hinted at the Capitol's expectations.

"What the hell was that?" he remarked, his tone carrying a mix of irritation and curiosity. Larissa's disbelief transformed into a simmering anger directed at Sereia. "Ask her, she's trying to get herself killed." Larissa snarled, she rarely ever got angry but what Sereia had done would have consequences.

Sereia, feeling the weight of Larissa's anger and Jude's stern gaze, avoided meeting either of their eyes. "I'm sorry." She muttered softly only just realising what she has done, she knew Damien would have been better at this job which is why he should of won. Sereia was yet to go home as President Snow had her go on her tour immediately, due to the fact that she was loved and the Capitol had to see her perform one last time.

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