𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘌𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴

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As Sereia practically sat on the edge of her seat in the launch room, her body language attempting to project confidence that covers the underlying terror within her. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew, her heart pounding in her chest.

Her eyes begin to dart around the room, looking at the other tributes. Her mind consumed by the dread of hearing her name called out.

"Sereia Black, please proceed to the evaluation area for your assessment," a robotic voice announces, its tone devoid of emotion. The sound reverberates through the training center, capturing Sereia's attention and signaling the beginning of her evaluation.

Sereia confidently stands up from her seat, her siren like eyes meeting the eyes of the other tributes who try their best not to hold eye contact with the girl. She holds her head up as she struts towards the evaluation room.

As she enters she is immediately greeted with a vast space filled with every equipment she could think of. She looks up and sees grown men, presumably gamemakers watching her.

"Can I get some trainers in here?" Sereia asked her voice filled with determination as she confidently approached the weapon section.

"How many trainers do you need, Miss Black?"One of the Gamemakers responded raising an eyebrow at the dark haired girl's confidence.

Sereia hesitates for a moment, then replies in a taunting like tone, "I think five or six trainers would be great." She smirked at the men above her giving her a very shocked response.

Minutes later six trainers entered the room with their own weapons. Some of them carried swords, spears and batons while two others were just using hand to hand combat. Sereia felt her hands start to shake but she couldn't give up as she had to prove herself to the Capitol, that she wasn't just a pretty face but also a strong young girl capable of holding her own.

In the dimly lit evaluation room, Sereia Black moved with unparalleled grace, her twin swords gleaming in the low light. Six trainers, few armed and yet all were eager to see what the young girl had in store.

The clash of metal echoed through the room as Sereia disarmed two trainers at the same time. The trainers, initially confident, soon found themselves struggling to keep up with her powerful techniques.

As Sereia weaved through the rapid blades, a large, bald man emerged from the shadows, choosing an unconventional approach. Weaponless, he lunged at her, trapping her in a formidable headlock.

Sereia's breath caught, but her instincts kicked in she swiftly dropped her center of gravity, leveraging her lower body strength. With a sudden twist, she managed to slip out of the headlock, surprising the bald adversary. Reacting with lightning speed, Sereia countered with a precise strike, utilizing the hilt of one of her swords to hit him in the back of the head and the bald man collapsed onto the floor. The room fell silent for a moment as Sereia stood victorious.

Breathless and disoriented, the remaining trainers found themselves unable to match the relentless pace set by Sereia. One by one, they conceded defeat, their exhaustion evident in labored breaths and defeated expressions.

The gamemakers, watching intently from their vantage point above, were stunned by Sereia's skill. The air of the evaluation room hung heavy with the unexpected turn of events as the formidable girl, with her twin swords still gleaming, stood as the lone victor. The gamemakers exchanged glances, realizing that Sereia Black had just become an unexpected force to be reckoned with in the Hunger Games arena.

Sereia Black's eyes narrowed as she addressed the stunned gamemakers, her voice cutting through the silence, "By all means let the games begin, but know this I play by my own rules." Sereia Black declared with a steely gaze and her voice dripping with anger.

Sereia Black walked out of the evaluation room with a quiet intensity, she dropped her twin swords as she walked away. The defeated trainers and astonished gamemakers watched in silence as she moved with purpose.

Each step echoed defiance, a rhythmic beat that marked the beginning of a saga the arena had never seen before. Sereia's exit was a subtle yet powerful statement.

In the lavish District 5 suite, Sereia was sat with Larissa and Damien, anxiously awaiting the evaluation scores. The air crackled with tension until the door swung open, revealing Jude Axel with a gleam of pride in his eyes.

"I play by my own games! Brilliant, that was just brilliant!" Jude exclaimed, a grin stretching across his face. Larissa clapped her hands, "Oh, sweetie, you've set the Capitol abuzz with your flair!"

Damien nodded in agreement, a silent acknowledgment of the triumph they had achieved together. Sereia's stoic expression softened into a subtle smile, reassured by the approval of her mentor.

The tension in the District 5 suite reached its peak as the holographic screen flickered to life, displaying Damien Wilfred's evaluation scores. The numbers materialized with an audible hum, and the room fell silent.

Strength: 9
Agility: 8
Intelligence: 7
Survivability: 8
Overall: 9

"Damien that's wonderful!" Larissa jumped up and gave him a quick hug while Jude patted him on his back.

"Well done kid, we're proud of ya." Their mentor grinned at him.

As the holographic screen transitioned to Sereia Black's evaluation scores, a hushed anticipation filled the room.

Strength: 8
Agility: 9
Intelligence: 9
Survivability: 9
Overall: 10

Larissa clasped her hands in exhilaration, "Oh, my dear, that's terrific!" Sereia smiled at the older woman in gratitude. Jude Axel's eyes gleamed with pride yet again, "That's remarkable, you've set a new standard." Damien nodded in admiration, acknowledging the strength of their alliance.

The two tributes from District 5, proved to be an unstoppable force. As the Capitol and the districts watched, the formidable pairing of Sereia and Damien became a symbol of resilience.

"Well done, Ice queen." Damien joked as Sereia glared him down from her seat.

"You're annoying." She sighed.

"Oh, but you love it." Damien teased.

The pair were getting more comfortable with each other, which had made it acceptable for them to harmfully bantering with each other more and more.

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