𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘖𝘧 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸𝘴

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Sereia took a deep breath, her heart pounding with the feeling of nerves. She was back in the fitting room with Magnum and he was running around the room looking for something to curl her hair with as she sat patiently. Once he found it her made sure every hair was in place before she was to step foot on Caesar Flickerman's show.

She was dressed in a long strapped black mesh dress that's absolutely enchanting. The dress starts with a sleek and fitted bodice, hugging the curves in all the right places. The black mesh fabric adds a touch of allure, subtly revealing hints of skin beneath. As your eyes travel down, you'll notice something truly mesmerizing.

The bottom of the dress features a beautiful emerald green fading effect, as if the dress is dipped in the depths of the sea. The green hue starts at the hemline and gradually intensifies, creating a stunning ombre effect. It's like a mermaid's tail, transitioning from the darkness of the ocean to the vibrant hues of the sea. The combination of the black mesh and the emerald green fading makes this dress a true showstopper.

"I can't get over how stunning this dress is. How do you do it Mag?" Sereia gushed over the dress while her stylist and new friend perfected her hair.

"I wish I could say it came to me in a dream but it didn't. A friend of mine gave me the idea." He sighed in disbelief and disappointment that he didn't come up with the idea himself. "I was going to go for something red next actually." He admitted softly and Sereia laughed a bit.

"I don't think red would suit me as much as green does. Who came up with this idea?" Sereia asked her talented stylist who just shrugged with a knowing look on his face and a smirk forming.

"Oh you know, a secret admirer of yours." He teased the younger girl who crossed her arms and stared Magnum down through the mirror opposite them.

"Fine, fine. Don't start your tantrum just yet. It was Finnick Odair the district four winner from last year." Magnum smiled as he watched the girls face form into an emotion he couldn't quite read.

"I was his stylist last year. Him and I have become very good friends. Once you win I would love to set you guys up on a date." Magnum grinned seeing her response. At first she looked intrigued but then she felt something tug at her heart.

"How are you so sure I'm gonna win?" She asked softly as she picked at her freshly done nails Magnum just finished. He looked down at the girl playing with her hands and grew frustrated.

"For starters, cut that out." He said slapping her hands away from each other. "And secondly, I usually style winners and have been for the last two years. You will be my third just don't let me down." He joked towards the end but that gave Sereia another reason to fight to survive.

"Times up!" A voice shouted as the door burst wide open. And of course it was Larissa coming to escort Sereia to the interview. "My dear, you look stunning. Magnum, I fear you have managed to do it again!" Larissa beamed as she grabbed Sereia out her chair.

"You are too kind for this world. However I can't take full credit. We must thank Finnick for the idea." Magnum said giving Larissa a knowing look whilst Sereia rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you later Magnum!" Sereia waved as she bid farewell to her stylist.

Larissa gently guided Sereia into the Interview Room, her excitement palpable as they prepared for the interview. Sereia looked around seeing unfamiliar faces from half the districts. She turned to see her partner and mentor waiting for them to arrive.

"Glad the two of you could make it." Damien grinned cheekily at Larissa who was still not speaking to him after what has occurred earlier in the day.

"Remember to give them a show they won't forget, Siren," Jude, her mentor, whispered into her ear, his voice filled with encouragement.

"Of course." Sereia responded giving her mentor a small hug which very rapidly washed her nerves away.

"I'm letting you off easy this time Damien." Larissa said sternly letting a small smile slip on her face. "Come here kid!" She squealed giving him a hug which helped wash his nerves down too.

"Now listen carefully. You must stress the fact that you two are allies. Make it seem like there is a strong bond holding you two together." Jude advised as he pulled something from his pockets. They were necklaces made of rope with a lightning bolt on the end of it. It was made out of gold so bright that it hurt looking at it for too long.

"I got this for the two of you." He handed them out to the district 5 tributes. "It's a replica of the necklace Sereia wore yesterday." He explained as the two partners had put them on.

"Thanks." She said softly

"Very appreciated Jude." Damien smiled.

"Next up, We have Sereia Black!" Caesar Flickerman shouted into his microphone and the crowd had began to cheer. Sereia felt her heart pacing faster but that didn't stop her from confidently striding towards the stage.

"There she is! Looking stunning as ever Miss Black." The show host smiled at her.

Give them a show.

"Mr Flickerman, you flatter me." She gushed smiling for the cameras and the crowd of
people watching her. "You look quite ravishing yourself may I add." The younger girl grinned at him.

"Such a sweetheart. Oh I love her!" He responded having the crowd start cheering for her again. "Sereia, everyone is dying to know wether you would prefer to be called angel or siren?" The host explained as he sat her down. Sereia felt the nerves almost take over her before she started to speak. That's when it all came naturally to her.

"I've only recently been aware to the nicknames flying around, but I think Siren suits me more. Don't you?" She said with a teasing smile to the host Caesar Flickerman. It was like the girl was flirting to boost his ego.

"I think The Siren really does suit you, now that's settled the debate running around the Capitol, let's move on to the games you've volunteered for." He smirked as the crowd started clapping, Sereia nodded and the older man started to continue speaking.

"Now Sereia, have you formed any alliances or friendships with any other tributes yet?" He asked her with a pensive look on his face waiting for her response.

"Yes, just one. My district partner, Damien Wilfred. And he is the only ally and friendship I want." She responded with a beautiful smile for the camera.

Somewhere in the crowd Finnick Odair had heard that and felt his heart drop yet he wasn't sure why. He is the only ally and friendship I want. Her voice saying that same sentence had ran through his head back and forth until her interview was over. He barely caught anything else she had said apart from that one sentence.

"That was our Siren everyone! Thank you for coming Miss Black. We hope to see you again very soon!" Caesar ended and everyone around Finnick in the crowd had started cheering for her starting a chant. Siren! Siren! Siren!

She got off the stage and felt Larissa pull her into a hug immediately. "You did so well Sereia! I am so proud." She exclaimed, Sereia was still feeling overwhelmed but let Larissa have the moment and decided to hug her back. Next up was her district partner Damien Wilfred. Who basically repeated what she said in other words just in a more affectionate way.

"Shes the only person I see myself with. In and out of the arena." Damien had said which had Finnick in a state of shock yet again. The girl he had just met continued to play through his mind over and over again. He was so unsure why he felt jealous and why he wanted to stick his trident in Damien's neck. He was definitely falling for her even if he was afraid to admit it.

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