𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘉𝘢𝘵𝘩

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The tension hung in the air as the four tributes faced each other, the jungle becoming an arena within the grander spectacle. Sereia tightened her grip on her twin swords, Damien poised with his spear, as the tributes from Districts 6 and 9, allies bound by necessity, prepared for a deadly engagement.

Sereia's eyes narrowed as recognition dawned upon her Daisy Oliver from District 7 and Alice Weavers from District 9, tributes favored by the Capitol and part of a strategically crafted alliance.

"Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to do something?" Sereia called out getting agitated with the wait for battle. The two girls from the opposite alliance stared her down as they both ran towards her, lunging at her. Damien quickly threw a spear at the district 7 girl aiming right at her heart for a quick death.

However the district 9 girl fell into battle with Sereia, but the latter was easily dominating the fight as she kicked Alice down onto the floor, taking her life by slitting her throat. Blood splattered everywhere and all over Sereia. Then two cannons went off announcing the death of the two girls that were standing before them not minutes before hand.

Alliances were shattered, all under the watchful eye of the Capitol's ever so hungry audience.

Sereia, catching her breath, turned to Damien. "Well, that was unexpected," she remarked, a mixture of relief and exhaustion in her voice.

Damien, still holding his spear, managed a tired smile. "Guess we're keeping the Capitol on their toes," he replied, acknowledging the unpredictable nature of their journey through the games. Their alliance is tested by the Capitol's machinations, endured once again.

"I guess so." Sereia winced in pain again as she looked down at her slowly healing thigh. The battle did not help it at all, as her wound started bleeding again. Damien noticed this and rushed to her side while he tended to her wound again.

"Thank you." She whispered, evidently still in pain. He nodded in acknowledgment as he carefully unwrapped her bandage and washed her wound with alcohol given to them by Finnick. He added some medicine again to heal it faster before he wrapped it around with a different bandage.

"We need to keep moving." Sereia said as she tried to walk and failed. Damien laughed a huge grin taking over his face. "Is that your pathetic way of asking if I can carry you?" He teased as he rapidly picked the girl up placing her on his back.

"Don't call me pathetic. I'll drown you." She responded with the same tone he used.

"Oh yeah? and with what water?" He chuckled dryly remembering that they were in the jungle and barely able to find any fresh water. Sereia laughed softly as she held onto her partner tighter.

The duo, armed with the support of Finnick Odair's sponsor gift continued their journey through the faux jungle searching for somewhere to settle for the night. During their journey they heard twelve cannons go off, they came one by one and it was most likely a fire but that had meant fifteen tributes were already dead. Remaining seven tributes including the district 5 partners.

"There's only seven of us left." Sereia muttered into her partners ear.

"I know, and I know what you're going to say." He responded his face showing no emotion as if he has already heard what she was about to say.

"We should split up. I'm weighing you down and with my injury there's no way I'm winning this. But you should." She spoke softly, this annoyed the boy carrying her as he stopped in his tracks and pulled the girl off her back so that he could look her in her eyes.

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