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The district 5 tributes had boarded the train alongside their escort Larissa Fox and their mentor Jude Axel. Damien had been the first to strike up conversation asking the older pair what should be awaiting them during the next few weeks.

"So, what should we expect before we get in the arena?" Damien questioned his mentor Jude who didn't know how to answer the question. He stayed silent for a few moments as the kids sat opposite him longed for an answer. Larissa finally spoke up with a big beautiful smile on her face.

"You will be training, practicing for your interview with Caesar Flickerman and my favourite part you will be styled for the Chariot Ride." Larissa beamed at the tributes sat before her. Both of the teenagers looked slightly overwhelmed at all the knowledge they had just been given, however they would have to get used it if they wanted to make it far in the games.

"Styled?" Sereia said with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Larissa noticed Sereia's discomfort and said, "Yes, my dear, don't you worry! You and your boyfriend will have your own stylist, and trust me, District 5 will be the most stylish district in the Hunger Games!" She gushed.



Both the teenagers said at the same time staring each other down. Larissa laughed at whatever she has just caused. Damien caught on very quickly and started laughing alongside her. Jude and Sereia stared at the other two with no emotion quietly judging them.

"You guys are no fun." Larissa pouted as she got up and went for a walk around the train.

"I think you guys should get some sleep." Jude explained as he felt awkward around the kids by himself. Damien nodded agreeing with him as he made his way to find a bedroom. Sereia on the other hand didn't move, she kept her eyes on her mentor who looked like he was afraid to hold eye contact with her.

"So what's your problem?" She asked, still analysing the older man. He didn't say anything at first but once he looked up at the girl he realised she wasn't going to give up.

"You want honesty?" He scoffed at the younger girl who nodded in response. "I don't like forming a bond with tributes." He said as he pulled out a flask and started to drink from it.

"And why's that?" She questioned him yet again not giving up from the death stare she had.

"Because I have to grieve them when they lose their life in that arena. I don't want to grieve anymore tributes." He explained with a saddened look crawling on his face, he wasn't sure why he was answering the young girls questions. Maybe it was because no one else has ever asked him these questions in all the years he has been a district 5 mentor.

"Who said I was gonna lose my life in that arena?" The girl responded with a confident smirk. She wasn't completely sure that she could win, but she had to mask her nerves with faux confidence. It was something her brother had taught her along with many other skills, before he had died in the games.

"Confidence doesn't get you anywhere." He argued with the girl. She tilted her head and continued to hold strong eye contact with the older man.

"But I bet violence will." She smiled which had the man confused at what the hidden message was behind that. The response she had for the older man had confused her too, it was like a completely different person talking.

"What do you plan to do? Kill everyone?" He laughed as if it was a joke. However she didn't take it that way, she thought for a quick response that would portray she was confident in herself and that she could win.

"Yes, I suppose that is my plan." She shrugged as she got up and walked way from the older man before he could respond. She knew he would disapprove of that plan, anyone with the right state of mind would disapprove, but Sereia wasn't in the right state of mind anymore, all she wanted was to return back to her family.

As Sereia took a stroll around the District 5 train, she looked out the grand windows of the train and seen the massive factories with their towering chimneys, billowing smoke, and the constant hum of machinery. District 5 was home, everything she seen out the window warmed her soon to be cold heart.

"What are you doing here?" A shadow was presented through the window she was looking out of, as the person had emerged from behind her. A familiar face was shown as Sereia turned around seeing her district partner, Damien.

"Looking around," Sereia explained vaguely before she started growing suspicious of the boy in front of her. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, eyeing him up and down. The boy grew a smirk the more she stared at him.

"I was looking for a room so that I can take a nap but luckily I found a buffet." He smirked again as he pulled Sereia by her wrist towards a hidden room in the back. As they walked in Sereia's eyes widened, there was all sorts of foods even ones she's never seen before. This is how the Capitol had been living, whilst some of the districts struggled to conjure up at least one meal.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat." Damien teased as he pulled the girl towards a row full of breakfast like foods. Sereia followed her district partner hand in hand as they found plates where they could stuff as much food as they could on there. The pair had mountains on their plates and decided to take a seat, so that they can enjoy the view from the windows.

"So, you volunteered for your sister?" Damien asked as he filled his face with food, Sereia looked up from her food to stare him dead in the eye.

"I did, she's too young to go in these pathetic games." She said softly, her entire demeanour had changed as she spoke about her sister, it was like she had softened.

"And you aren't?" Damien questioned further as his face screwed up in confusion.

"I'm turning sixteen soon." Sereia nodded proudly but she doubted she would be alive to celebrate her birthday.

"When's your birthday?" He smiled as he seen the girls face drop once she had realised the games could possibly end her life before she hit the peak of her teenage years.

"August 24th, what about you?" She smiled at the boy sitting before her.

"I'm seventeen, I turn eighteen on September the 13th." He smiled back at her, Sereia responded in a nod as she continued to stuff her face with the food the Capitol had given to the District 5 train.

"Are you scared?" Damien asked, desperately trying to figure out the girl seated before him. Sereia thought about the question long and hard before she could respond, she wanted to answer truthfully and tell him that she didn't want to go. But that would display fear and fear is weakness that she can't afford to have.

"Not at all, you?" She replied as her tone hinted a slip of uncertainty. Damien wasn't smart enough to pick up on it and nodded at her answer before responding.

"Yeah, I don't want to die but I have a lot of skills that can be put to use." He smirked confidently, the difference between the pair was that Damien was actually confident in himself that he could win, whereas, Sereia was nowhere near that which is why she envied the boy in that moment. He had the heart of a victor and the mind of a fighter, in that moment Sereia decided he would have to be the winner. There was no doubt about it that he was the soon to be heart of District 5.

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