part 45

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Nock nock...

J:who is it?😨

Mrs min: it's me my daughter.

J: come in emma.

Mrs min: are feeling okay?
Let's take our launch together.

J: where is yoongi emma?

Mrs min: he will come soon my baby. Now have some food please.

J: emma..I..

Ring ring..

V calling...

Hello V!

Aunty! Yoongi....Yoongi

What happene to yoongi?
Junkook got afarid to hear her husband name. She was thinking something bad happened to her husband.

Aunty yoongi lose his conscious.

What is alright now?

We call the doctor. After coming the doctor I will inform you.

Okay son. Please take care of my son. We are coming.

Call cutted

J: what happene emma?
Where is my yoongi?

Mrs min: he lose his conscious . Didn't wake up. V call the doctor. And now...

Before Mrs min say anything junkook run out from the room.

Mrs min: junkook wait. Where are you going?
You will get hurt. Wait junkook...

Junkook didn't hear anything her mind only want to see her husband and nothing else. She afarid to lose her husband. She went to the car and told the driver to take her to yoongi's office.
All the workers were shocked by seeing junkook outside. Because all they know junkook don't like to go outside anymore. She get panic by seeing only the house maids how can she is going outside.

Mrs min about to call the guards to stop junkook. But Mr min snatch the phone.

Mrs min: what are you doing yoongi's appa?

Mr min: let her go.

Mrs min: what are you saying?
She is sick. How can we let her go?

Mr min: let her go. Can't you see she forgets her problem for her husband. She didn't think about herself but only her husband. She is not sick anymore. This is call true love. Your son chose a right person as his life partner.
I already talk with v . Doctor came there.
We will also go there after some time.

At office

Doctor: Mr min you also have to takecare about yourself.

Y: yes doctor. I will .

Doctor: take this medicines Mr min. And you have to eat proper meal .
Now I am going if you have any problem please call me.

V: thank you doctor.

Doctor: you are welcome Mr Kim.

V: see I told you takecare about yourself. But you didn't hear me.

Y: ok ok I am sorry.

V: now let's go home. Not office for 1 week.

Y: what no no..I..

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