"well well look who we have here.." he said in a mocking manner. Seungmin tried to get up by was pushed back down.

"leaving so soon? The fun is only starting love." He said with a smile on his face before punching him.

Seungmin gritted his teeth due to the pain he felt. He held his chest where he had been punched. He felt another punch, he closed his eyes and winced in pain.

Blood was drawn from his lip. He wiped it and looked at his gloves that had blood.

"get the fuck away from!" A voice had yelled out of nowhere. Seungmin looked up painfully.

The bully was pushed away by the older. The brown haired kneeled down and helped up the younger. Seungmin clenching onto the older.

"bother him and I'll have the cops arrest you. If i hear that anyone of you have bullied him. I'll be sure to send you away to prison. I'll see you during court!"

The bully groaned as he stood up and glared at the two males. "another rich kid huh? How pathetic"

The elder stopped his tracks then motioned to one of his body guards to take seungmin inside the car before turning around again.

"and they say that people below us, are humble huh? Stay away from seungmin or I'll come for you.."

He glared as he walked away and looked went into the car. He sighed as he put on his seatbelt and motioned the driver to drive.

"where sir?" The brown haired sighed as he looked at the younger who was shaking a bit.

"home and one of you please call mr. park to come and check Seungmin." He says in a sternly tone.


Seungmin winced in pain making the older male concern. The elder tapped him getting his attention.

"why didn't you tell me that you were getting bullied, huh?" The brown haired frown on disappointment.

"because I didn't know either. I knew that people already didn't like me but never knew it would go far." Seungmin signs and winced in pain.

"You should have known, min. Those people who go in there are not of our class. I don't understand why on earth would your father put in there in the first place."

It was clear that the elder wasn't too happy. The brown haired knew the terms between the younger and his father very well.

"Minho, don't." Minho shook his head. "I don't like the way he's treating you." The younger just shrugged.

"just let be."

The whole rest of the car ride had went with Minho being angry and annoyed while the elder held the younger in his arms.

Minho was very overprotective of the younger. He was and a lot. The elder saw him like a little brother and his mind wouldn't change it. It was like this ever since both were introduced.

"get go home and treat your wounds.." he signed as he looks back at the younger.

- "hai again! Woo! I actually have nothing to say again. Normally I would say more but I got nothing today- just to make something clear, I still have no idea how much chapters this will have so I guess until it goes on or I don't know. 🤷🏻‍♀️"

- "remember to take care of yourself! Don't overwork yourself and rest well my loves. Don't listen to people's negativity. You're doing well and im glad you're here ❤️"

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