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My recovery was fast, I didn't need to stay in the hospital for long as all I ended up with was scratches, bruises and then a couple bruised bones in which explains my limp that has slowly started to get better. I haven't been to school in a week and Lilith tells me that things at school are only getting worse, people are starting to stress get scared knowing that the time of the year is starting.

I've been the big talk of the school, "did you hear about what happened to Victoria McCoy?" And "Victoria is in hospital! She was attacked!". I haven't shown my face at school yet but I will in a couple minutes, Issac is driving me as of right now and I won't lie, I'm nervous.

My name has been around the school now imagine them all seeing me walk in. I'm going to get so many different stares and it's making my stomach churn, I don't do well with attention especially with large crowds. Especially at school. Schools like a day care at this point since hardly anyone does the work anymore, it's just gossip, I believe it's pretty clear that a school like Bechtel high would be in some sort of movie. Life currently feels like a movie.

Diablo had sent me multiple texts over the week trying to check in on me and repeatedly apologising for the last night we saw each other, he seven sent me flowers and my favourite chocolates, it helped a little but I'm still angry at him for what he said "forget about it." He's a sweet guy and he's always comforting me about it but maybe it's just a facade? I don't know because when he's being all kind and gentle it feels real. Like he means it. Maybe he was just stressed about the time of the year.

A couple nights ago Jasper had sent me a text checking up on me, it felt weird and I wasn't exactly sure how to respond so I did what we knew we would have been able to do, I joked about his concerned attitude. I'm not exactly sure why he reached out or what made him do it but ever since then over the past couple days I'd see his chat bubble appear only to disappear a couple seconds later as if he wants to talk again but can't find the right words.

"Right, we're here. Be careful okay? We don't know if that guy is hanging around here." Issacs voice had snapped me out of my thoughts making me turn to look at him m, his words had stirred the familiar feeling of anxiousness in my chest, what if he really was waiting for me "god Issac, don't go putting that into my head." I moved to rub the back of my neck as I allow my gaze to fly around outside of the car checking for any sight of the man who attacked me "sorry, I just want you to be safe, I don't want to lose another sister, not to this." Isaacs words held the raw emotion of concern and sadness, he must be feeling so many different negative emotions at once right now and I feel for him, I feel bad.

My gaze soon shifts toward the entrance of school and the first persons gaze I catch is Jasper's, he's stood leaned up against one of the pillars that hold up the opening to the school, his eyes on mine from across the yard but without a second more I quickly tore my gaze away and looked at Isaac "I'll be fine, I'll be cautious." My hand finds the handle to the door, I pushed the door open and step out of the car "I'm going to hang out with my friends after school, we're all going to Liliths house, tell mum too so she doesn't get worried." The wind is blowing through my hair making the wavy strands flap over my face only to pull away and move in a totally different direction.

Issac nodded as his grip on the steer wheel tightened for a moment before releasing the wheel "alright, if you need me, call me. I'll see you later you little shit." A small grin passed his lips bringing back a somewhat comforting sense of normality back to my life since everyone has been so worked up and gentle with me, it feels nice to know Issac hasn't changed "bye Issac." I lightly smile before closing the door and turning to walk toward the entrance.

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