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The movie played as background sound, Diablos hand found its way to rest on my thigh slowly running his thumb up and down in gentle caressing motions "Vic?" His voice had pulled my eyes away from the TV's screen and to meet his "yeah?" My words escaped my lips in a quiet almost hoarse squeak "I was hoping that maybe tonight would be..." he paused his gaze pulling away from mine for a moment clearly searching for the right words before he met my gaze once more "the night?" He spoke in a suggestive yet obvious tone as if trying to tell me what he meant in a short cut off way.

I knew what he wanted, I knew what he was trying to say, we've only been together for a year and half of the other couples in school have already fucked with in a couple of months but I also happen to know that my body is not ready to endure any kind of physical pleasures just yet.

"I don't think I'm ready yet Diablo." Trying to get my point across only had pulled away his suggestive undertones "don't you want to try?" His face had dropped now leaving him to just plainly stare at me "I don't think I can" my gaze had shifted from him and to the floor "you can baby, I promise you everything will be okay" Diablo pulled himself closer to me, sitting right next to me with his leg leaning against mine "no, I'm not ready" I shook my head with a small sigh.

Diablo was always patient and calm though something felt different about him tonight "it's been multiple years now sweetheart, can't you just let go of it?.." his soft and sweet tinted words reached my ears and as soon as they did my small smile had instantly disappeared getting replaced with a expression that held a new glint of irritation "let go of it?" I repeated with a scoff "let go of it" I mutter to myself as a small huffed laugh escaped my lips while I stood up off of the couch "I didn't mean it like th—" Diablos voice had now held a frantic edge only for me to cut him off.

"No, you did. I get I've made you wait but you don't know what it's like to have the memories of the past haunting your every move, I've been trying to escape it but I'm fucking stuck! He knows what he did and he's proud about it but in the end I'm the one paying the price for something I know I didn't and still don't deserve." My eyebrows furrowed as I glare at him, Diablo sat speechless, his eyes glued to me and his body sat in a frozen stance.

Before anyone else could speak my phone rang, the gentle tune echoed through the now silent room making me reach into my pants pocket to retrieve the device. Once facing the screen I notice it's my older brother Isaac calling me and my very first thought was 'is mum okay', I told Isaac to call me once he found out what was wrong with mum so I'm hoping everything is okay.

My thumb finds the accept button before I hold the phone up to my ear now ignoring Diablos presence, he held a guilty and saddened glint In his eyes "Vic, get to the hospital." The very first words that Isaac had spoken were more on edge than panicked "what's wrong?" I replied while walking over to the front door to put my shoes on, "I'll tell you when you get here" Isaac then suddenly hung up which made me freeze in confusion.

Tell me when I get there? That definitely means it's bad "baby I'm sorry." Diablo spoke up, his voice made my gaze snap toward him. He now stood leaned against the door frame looking genuinely apologetic "it's fine." I spoke with almost zero emotion in my words besides the slight panic that now rushed through my veins.

"No, no it's not okay I shouldn't rush you. I'll make it up to you" Diablo shook his head as he then took a couple steps toward me but I stopped him once I shot up and pulled the front door open not caring about what had just happened between the both of us, the most important thing on my mind currently was my mother in hospital.

I glance over my shoulder and at Diablo "we'll talk about this later okay? I just have to go" those were my last words before I bolted out of the door and towards the closet bus stop hoping it'd be quick enough now knowing not many people were on the roads at night especially not around ten O'clock at night.

I left Diablos house almost fifteen minutes ago, my brother texted me telling me something was wrong with mum and that I had to get to the hospital quickly, it was almost as if he was reminding me, even over text it was clear that he was now more panicked than before, Isaacs always been the worried type, always concerned for his loved ones.

He's always taking care of ma when I'm not home to help, giving her her medicine. Ever since dad died a year ago she's not been the same sure they argued like every night and the house always ended up smashed up but they loved each other. My dads death broke my mum, she cried and cried for weeks on end and soon feel into a stage of depression where she even tried to end her life.

After that both Isaac and I had went and took ma to a therapist and it helped for a while until the therapist she had quit or was fired? I don't know but ever since the therapist left mum didn't want to go back because she only liked that one.

The sound of the bus's rumbling engine had squealed as the vehicle came to a slow stop at the bus stop just before the hospital in which was my stop, thanking the bus driver I stepped out and onto the path now making my way toward the hospital's entrance.

The large white building with glowing lights shining through the various windows was always a gut wrenching experience, it felt almost a little to quiet for a place that holds many differing situations. Deaths, injuries, surgeries, they even held a mental health ward on the opposing side for all ages.

The sound of the wind drafting through the half empty car park and passing through the bushes had filled the sickening silence, my mind was running like crazy ever since I got onto the bus earlier, what if's clouded up my head 'what if she'll die?' 'What if Diablo doesn't want me anymore?' 'Should I have just gone through with it?' I haven't even made it into the hospitals walls and yet I'm already exhausted.

The electronic doors slid open as I walked closer to the door, the small buzzing noise of the overhead lights took up most of the noise as the sound of the gentle wind now being taken over as moths, crickets and flies hoarded around the lights. Walking into the hospital never felt good, I've never been a fan of hospitals partly because of the smell, it was too strong.

The smell made me feel sick especially when I was inside for too long, hospitals were so clean and white, the smell copying the looks perfectly. I walked down the hallway and into the lobby, the receptionist was sat writing on a piece of paper by her computer "hello" my voice must have scared her since she jolted before looking up at me "oh dear... you scared me, how can I help you?" She was soft spoken and held a gentle aura "do you know what room Heidi McCoy is in?" A small smile crosses my lips while I spoke.

"How are you related to the patient? Are you her daughter?" The receptionist started to type on her computer her voice echoing the lobby "yes I'm her daughter" I nodded as I started to fidget with my rings that sat comfortably on my fingers "room 228" she smiled and looked up at me before looking back down at her paper and picking up her pen "thank you, have a nice night" I bud my goodbye and wished her a good night before walking toward the stairs because fuck the elevator. No way.

After a while of searching the hallways I finally found my mothers room, 228, the door was open and I could see inside. Isaac sat on the comfy chair beside mums bed with a concerned and worried expression littering his face while my mum slept in her bed.

I hope she's okay.


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