{ 06 }

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The sounds of student gossip and chatter took over the background noises as Lilith, Sage, Willow and I all sat on a bench in the garden part of the school. Beautiful red and white roses were happily sat in their bushes, Pink and Orange tulips placed in bundles around the small pond that sits in the centre of the garden leaving small lily pads floating over the water.

It felt nice to get the fresh smell of the floral scent each of the individual flowers gave off, my favourite flowers are definitely Hydrangeas and Frangipanis, roses are nice too, you can never go wrong with a nice red or pink rose every now and then.

"The new boy is so hot! Did you see him Vicky? Sage? Willow?" Lilith's high pitched squeal made the rest of us girls jump in surprise not expecting her to do that "yeah, he's okay I guess... not my type." I murmur while my shoulders shrug up and down "no I haven't got to see him yet, what's he look like Lil?" Sage leaned onto the table with her forearms seeming somewhat excited about finding out more on the new student "yeah tell us I haven't got the chance to see either!" Willow chimed in with a smile.

Sage and Willow are my two close friends in which I met at the start of high school while Lilith and I nervous walked down the hallway on the first day we weren't paying attention to where we were walking and somehow we all collided, I walked into Willow while Lilith and Sage practically slammed into each other leaving them both with bloodied noses. A memorable meeting especially when Sage had quickly got up and started to apologise to Lilith not noticing her own bloodied nose, young Sage was so cute.

Lilith's jaw dropped as she heard that the two girls hadn't seen the new student "well let me tell you!!" Lilith sounded like a 7 year old girl on Christmas morning happily jumping up and down after receiving a pony as her present "his names Dante, he has the most gorgeous blue eyes, better than Hades. Way better than Hades. It's like sky blue, ugh!" Lilith seemed to be falling for him already and I don't think she's even talked to him "blue eyes better than Hades? You've seen Hades eyes right?" Sage grinned as she raised her eyebrows at Lilith's accusation "yes! You need to see them to believe what I'm saying" Lilith continued to talk about Dante as she would often stop half way to make a small sigh or squeal.

Hades eyes are a nice blue, I've had more than enough time to take notice in them over the years and I must admit I am a little jealous but I also personally don't think blue eyes would suit me.

While Lilith continued to loudly rant about the new kid the sight of Diablo caught my eye, a small sigh escaped my lips as I saw Rhea clung to his arm as if she was his girlfriend in stead of me. Diablo saw me and lifted his hand sending me a wave with a large smile in which I returned with a gentle smile, he pulled his arm away from Rhea saying something to her before he walked over.

For some reason a pit of butterflies swarmed in my stomach, I don't know what it was nervousness? Love? Attraction? Whatever it was is a large feeling almost like the butterflies in my stomach tried to flutter their way up my throat and out into the world, I pulled my lips into a tight smile as Diablo finally arrived over at the table leaning down gradually before pressing an affectionate kiss to my head "hey sweetheart" his voice low almost a whisper "hey baby" I look up at him, he had that look in his eyes again.

It wasn't exactly love or affection but it was more of lust "you free tomorrow night? My parents are out of town" Diablo had leaned down to my ear speaking in a quiet suggestive tone leaving my cheeks to slightly heat up, I quickly looked over to my friends who seemed to still be delved deep into their little Dante conversation to even notice what was going on between me and Diablo "I... I'll check and update you later, yeah?" My whisper in return made him smile widely before he then pressed his lips to my forehead "alright, text me Sweetheart" Diablo gently placed his hand on my shoulder rubbing it for a moment before he pulled away and walked back over to his friends who stood in the exact same place waiting for him.

Diablo and I haven't actually gone as far as... having sex yet since I'm still trying to heal from a past trauma, he's been helping ease me through everything slowly but I can tell he's getting restless. Kissing and making out isn't enough for him anymore, I started to let him kiss me and actually touch me further than a hug after 6 months I know it's a long time but after what I've been through I feel the need to build up the trust and comfort between us.

I must have been spacing out because I was pulled out of my daze with Sage tapping my shoulder and the rest of the girls eyes on me "you good Vic? You just started to zone out." Her words had me mentally face palming, I really need to get that under control, before I could speak again Willow spoke up "are you thinking about... him. Again?" Willow, Sage and Lilith are most probably the only other people know about what happened a couple years ago and they've been very supportive and comforting with everything.

"No, I was just thinking about how quiet today is, don't you agree?" I quickly thought of a reasonable excuse that seemed to make them nod in agreement "yeah I have noticed, no fights, no arguments and no interactions with the four assholes." Lilith hummed as she readjusted herself on the bench, her gaze trailing around the garden as if trying to weed out a surprise attack that Jasper, Hades, Arlo and Elliot might pull but nothing.

Willow let out a sigh "I think everyone is laying low because it's 'the time of year'" she emphasised on the last couple of words "I totally forgot about that, nothings happened yet and normally the murderer strikes head on." Sage nibbled on her lower lip a sigh of her discomfort already seeping through "whoever this person is they really know how to build un-needed suspense." I added and leaned forward resting my elbow down on the table before propping my head atop it in my palm.

We were soon dragged into a long conversation about our doubts, worries and fears on the murder cases, I still haven't told any of them about what happened to my sister and I don't want to. I feel like they may start to worry and not want to talk about this stuff around me but I don't need pity, I love their concern and worry but sometimes it's not really needed so I thought I'd keep this one little secret from them.


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