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"Morning babe" Diablos warm breath had fanned over my left ear as his grip around my waist slightly tightened "morning baby" I spun around and looked up at him leaving my hands to rest against his chest, Diablo was a taller guy who managed to tower over a lot of people, his black messy hair often hung over his golden brown eyes.

Diablo and I started dating a year ago, we had started talking back in the eighth grade but he was with another girl at that time though now we're in the twelfth year he managed to find his way back to me and then we got together a couple months later. He's not too fond of Jasper because he's noticed the nickname he has for me , 'Princess', Diablo tried to call me that but it felt weird hearing it from him because Jaspers always called me that, ever since we first met so it was a little weird but after some time Diablo drifted from that and just settled on babe and sweetheart which I think is cute.

Soon enough Diablo dipped his head down and our lips met in a quick yet loving kiss, his lips lingered for a couple moments before he pulled away leaving a smile on my lips "how'd you sleep?" He spoke up as he looked down into my eyes. Diablo knows about my trouble with sleeping at night since my mind doesn't shut off as it's always running leaving me to get trapped with in my thoughts "hm... I got a couple good hours in" I murmured while my gaze glued to his "at least you got some right? Better than nothing" he places a hand on my cheek gently caressing it with his thumb running up and down my cheek in slow, soft motions.

Leaning into his touch my eyes fluttered shut, whenever he's around I feel as if everything has been lifted from my shoulders, all the weight I carry, all my worries. Diablo just takes them and they disintegrate "better than nothing" I repeat placing a hand over his.

A small chuckle rumbled from Diablos chest and a small smile crossed my lips "ah your so cute Sweetheart." His words had allowed a small giggle to leave my throat, he made me feel all giddy and happy inside, something I always felt wasn't meant for me, to feel loved or happy.

The schools bell had rung echoing the crowded hallways and corridors, the string of sighs and groans had filled the hallways from all the students, the sounds of lockers slamming shut and the sound of shoes squeaking along the freshly polished tiled floors played as a background noise.

"Well I better get going to class, I'll see you later, I love you" my voice played off in a gentle note before Diablo smiled down at me leaning down and capturing my lips in his once more though this time the kiss lasted a little longer before he finally pulled back "I love you too, see you later" his words left an even bigger smile on my lips before we parted ways and headed towards our classes.

Getting to class wasn't much of a struggle as everyone always took their time which was honestly the only way you could actually get to your classes, the teachers were all assholes besides two or three.

My first class for the day is English, I'm not too bad at the class seeing as it's basically just writing and reading. Though the teacher of the class is an actual bitch she's had it out for me ever since I started at this shithole, Mrs Lin is a white woman though she likes to flex on the fact that her great grandmother was French. Heard of those pick me teachers? Yeah she's one of those things, always all over the guys mainly Hades Grimaldi and Elliot Alderbridge, Jaspers close friends.

I met Hades back when I first met Jasper in the first grade, Jasper and Hades were inseparable and to be honest they still are to this day hence to why you never see them apart besides the odd occasion of god knows what and for Elliot we haven't actually held a normal conversation before but always exchange random words of insults, we first met in the first year of high school when he had started his playboy reputation, I remember he asked me if Cathy Tays had a boyfriend. She didn't, she had a girlfriend and they are still together to this day. Surprising to say the least due to how many rumours had spread about the two cheating on one another.

Walking into the classroom I could instantly feel Mrs Lins piercing bright blue eyes following me as I made my way toward my seat in the further right side of the class, I picked that seat before anyone could get to it, it wasn't at the very back but it wasn't anywhere near the front but I did happen to get unlucky as Cruze Jericho had decided to sit behind me out of all people in the damn class.

Cruze has never had a good reputation and I'm not talking hot bad boy I'm talking about ugly pick me boy, he tried to get with Sage a while back and never actually got the hint that she was NOT interested in him and his bleached blonde wire hair. Cruze was the type of guy to think every girl who stood in his line of sight would fall head over heels for him but I can tell you that no one has actually liked the desperate loser, I may sound rude by saying these things but once you get to know him then you'll get what I mean by desperate loser.

"Good morning clas-" just as the class was about to start Elliot and Hades had walked in chuckling to themselves clearly impressed with whatever they had done before entering "Mr Grimaldi and Alderbridge what are you two doing so late?" Mrs Lin had a small grin plastered to her lips with she soon started to twirl a piece of hair around her index finger with out even realising, gee... I think I smell a pedophile.

Hades and Elliot sent each other a knowing grin before they looked at Mrs Lin with a smirk, it wasn't that teasing smirk that people give each other when they know their right but it was that flirtatious smirk, the smirk that only certain people could give and actually make people fold "don't worry about it Mrs." Elliot sent a wink in Mrs. Lins Direction before both Hades and Elliot sat down in their seats Mrs Lin held a wide grin on her lips as she nodded eagerly, she then started to teach.

If I'm being totally honest she lost me at Adverbs, I've been learning this shit for a long while and I still don't get the damn meaning behind an Adverb but who cares because I'll pass whatever random assignment or text she throws at us, my eyes were focused out the window as I noticed the sky was cloudless leaving the blue edge to cast over the town, the sun was shining down at an angle leaving the shadows of trees, buildings and other solid objects to tilt at a certain angle.

While lost in my own world I hadn't noticed that Mrs. Lin now stood right beside my desk with a stern look on her face "Miss McCoy, are you finished fantasising in dreamland yet?" She always had the worst way of putting things but they weren't as bad as her comebacks in arguments "I believe so" my shoulders shrugged up and down as I shifted my gaze to meet hers "I was calling your name multiple times" she crossed her arms over her chest "didn't hear you, sorry." I straightened my posture now noticing half the class had their eyes on both me and Mrs Lin "well maybe if you weren't so distracted by your thoughts then you might actually be able to listen better" her words didn't sting but I found it quite amusing how she was lecturing me on staying out of my thoughts "right, like I said. Sorry."


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