•|the official bitch

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*the picture above is Nancy lucciano*


Fuck she's here!!!
The woman I was excited to meet but not anymore.

Nancy, my husband's mother who we both despise.

The front door of our mansion was held open by guards and the slim woman who had an 'old money asthetic' walked in.

She held an aura of dominance and respect around her as all the other men bowed their heads down.

Well maybe that's the only  thing I'll like to have about her.

Marino who was silently taking in the scene while his muscular arms wrapped around my waist to give me confidence, stood straight with a death glare, pointed towards his own mother.

My palms turned sweaty because of my anxiety and cold sweats break out on my face.

"She's beautiful but scary too"
I murmured to my lover.

He let out a hard chuckle and squeezed the side of my waist gently.

"Trust me! She's nothing Infront of you. My girl will never be scared of anyone, especially someone who took away her happiness"

I tilted my head up towards him and gave him a tight smile. Marino is right! She took away Enzo from us....

We should make her life hell instead of being scared.

"Yup! I'm your brave girl"
I fisted my palms while nodding and heard him chuckle again.

I swear this man never takes me serious.

Nancy gracefully made her way towards us with a branded purse hanging on her shoulder and modest black dress flowing as she walks.

Every clip clop of her heels made my heart jumps more.

She's my husband's mother and the murderer of my best friend.
This bitch does not deserve a shed of sympathy!

"Well hello dear son! It's been so long"

I got away from Marino's embrace as Nancy threw her skinny arms around Marino's shoulder and hugged him.

He didn't react or give her a hug back.

Finally she looked towards me and flicked back a strand of grey  hair on her face.

"You're quite healthy in reality. Seems like the photos I received were photoshopped"

My eyes flew open and I tried not to gawk my already open jaw more.


"Also your voice seemed kind of high pitched when we talked at phone but no worries, I'm not judging you or anything."

She let out a Karen like laugh and I cringed.

"Well nice to meet you too Nancy, it seems like we middle class are more educated about greetings and etiquettes"

Oh god that's such a satisfying answer Ayala!!! But we still need more improvement.

"Bahahahah!!! When did you get so bitchy mouthed princess!!"

I internally flinched, hearing the similar uninvited guest's laugh.

"Don't tell me it's Max!"
I whispered to Marino, who was standing beside me with the deepest frown ever on his face.

"Well fuck!! Now I've two problems to deal with"
He ran his palm on his face frustratedly and max jumped towards while smiling goofily.

"Who let him in!!!!!??"

Here we go again.
Marino barked at the guards who looked as confused and shocked as me.

"It's clearly not their fault fluff..
Max has evaded our home a lot of times, we know that"

I strocked my palm up and down on his chest,  trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry...it's just this bastard can't be stopped by any technology"
Marino sighed in defeat.

"Yooo! Wassup granny!
How you doing? Last time you were on your death bed"

I held back a ear screeching laugh as max 'my bestie' flopped on the couch of our living room after verbally insulting someone higher than his status.

Nancy's face scrunched up in an awful way and she squeezed her handbag.

"Why is this spoilt brat still alive. I thought you took care of him in military"

Marino rolled his eyes as his mother screamed in frustration.

Oh my god this is so fun to watch.

"Mom he's the owner of underground league. The unknown masked man is max"

Well that's not a shock because I was told about it a few days ago.

Nancy looked like a pale vampire in need of blood.

Marino talked while rubbing his temple and I sat beside max comfortably while handing him a banana.

"So.. how's life going?"
Max looked surprised at my question and chuckled.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden. Ofcourse you know how I'm, partying and having...fun..you know"

His sparkly emerald eyes dimmed and his voice grew lower at the end.

I might not know what's bothering him but after irritating Marino on telling me.

He spilled the tea that max had been acting quite different than his usual self and was talking about love and blah blah blah...

"Hmm! Well I've heard that someone has been acting quite different. I'm here max, you have me to talk about anything"

I held his hand and whispered softly.

Max looked quite confused and comforted. Many emotions were flashing in those beautiful eyes.

"Ayla...I..I fucked up.
Everything, I ruined all of it"

He chocked out making me stiffen.

Max immediately masked up his emotions again and looked away.

"Hey it's okay! I'm not judging you so don't be worried"

My eyebrows furrowed in worry for him.

He looked back at me with a sad smile. Oh godd! I never thought that the goofy ass max can also express these kind of emotions.

"Well I don't want to stress out my best friend with my fucked up life"

A pout of annoyance formed on my face as he ruffled my hair. He's treating me like a child again. Does he thinks that I won't understand him?!

"Maxx Please!! i am your bestie so don't keep everything secret from me"

I could hear the bickering behind us as Marino and Nancy argued on something but max is my main concern now.

"Life was not very easy for me from start princess....and it's not getting any better. Everything just keeps getting worse and worse and I don't know what to do. I just keep breaking everything apart and hurting he-"

He stopped speaking,resting his elbows on his knees while sitting and grabbed a handful of his hair in his palms.

Ok shit!! Now I'm freaking out .

"Max...is it that bad? Me and Marino can help you... we're friends right?".

Max let out a heavy sigh and stood up while putting on the goofy mask again.

"Forget about it princess..I'll go annoy Marino a little"

Before I could say anything, he dashed towards Marino who was about to burst out on Nancy, and slapped his back.

I wish Max will open up to me soon because I've never seen him this upset.

I don't want to lose another friend of mine...


So.. should we write a book about max?

Well whatever just drop some votes you guys

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