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Walking through the park In Gambino base, I looked around.

Alex also has a whole base similar to a colony and there are 4 sections like Marino's base.

The main house is Alex's mansion here and right now I'm wandering around the back section.

My crisp hairs whipped on my face because of the cold breeze and I regretted putting on a gloss.


The full moon is sparkling like indicating his lovers that it's alive for them.

I looked around the wide park with beautiful flowers and different trees sleeping in it.

My eyes wandered around and scanning the area.

But the weird creepy feelings is lingering around me as soon as I left the mansion.

I got goosebumps as I felt eyes on me.


Flipping my head here and there, I clutched my purse feeling the outlines of my gun.

My phone started ringing making me flinch and I grabbed my phone, looking at it with wide eyes.

Marino's name with a red heart beside it was on the caller id and I felt my heart started beating faster.

Should I pick up or not?

I bit my lips and put my phone on silent. The tears prickled in my eyes but I immediately wiped them.

How dare he even contact me after doing such thing.

I started making my way back to the mansion and the feeling of being followed grew stronger.

Oh my god. Should I just turn around and shoot the person like Alex said.

But what if it's an innocent man doing his night petrol. No..no.

The only thing I didn't like about Gambino's base was that it was filled with men.

All four sectors held men who used to be in military.
Only Alex's mansion has female maids and that's it.

I feel bad for Veronica, I mean why does she even work here?

My steps became hurried while I pulled out the gun and held it in my hands sneakily.

Marino had men in his base but also allowed them to have their family there.

He gave the men with family a single sector so there won't be any problem.

I remember watching him play with the kids who came to our house to see their mothers, who basically worked as our maids.

My fingers fiddled with my wedding ring as I remembered dreaming about having children with Marino.

Fuck I'm pathetic.

I reached the alley which lead me to our mansion but it was quite dark today.

Why were the street lights out.
My grip on the gun tightened as I gulped.

I came to a halt, hearing heavy footsteps behind me.

The tremble in my body started happening along with sweats in my palms.

I didn't dared to turn around as the footsteps were now hushed and I could feel the presence of a person right behind me.

Wheels started turning in my head and I turned around in a swift moment.

The darkness made me not able to see the person and my loaded gun was now directed to him.

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