•|his kitten 🐈

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My reflection stared back at me in the mirror and I traced my hands on my burned chest.

The scar covering my one boob and linking to my back.

Due to this scar,I can only wear selected type of clothes.

I put on my dress after showering and walked downstairs.

( I'm not good with explaining the clothes so here is what she's wearing)

( I'm not good with explaining the clothes so here is what she's wearing)

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My step glued on the floor as my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.. literally dropped.

My dear husband sat on the couch with biking gears and helmet. His legs spread open, inviting me to sit on them.

He's seducing me without even trying.

"Took you long, now come with me. We're going out"

He said while standing up. My mouth was still wide open as I discovered my new kink for men with helmet.

Ohh..my.. fucking..godddd.

"Are you coming?"
He said while walking out as I wiped My drool and I ran behind him. Maybe I am..shut up.

His bike was in front of us as I stared at it and gasped.

"You never told me you ride!!"

I started circling the bike happily eventhough I don't know anything about them. I like them because they're beautiful and dangerous.just like him.

Marino pat his bike and I couldn't see his gorgeous face due to his helmet.

"It's Ducati superleggrea V4 1000cc. This one is quite fast than my other one."

I didn't understand a word but smiled as I noticed the excitement in his voice for the first time. I could imagine him smiling under that helmet.

I'm jealous of a bike rightnow.

"You have another one?"
I asked happily as he nodded.

"Let's get you on it"
He said and lifted me up like I weigh nothing and put me on the bike as I gasped.

"Just lean in at the flow and hold me tight"

I am gasping too much now a days.

"Just don't get us killed"
I chuckled and he put on a helmet on my head too.
We have matching helmets.

He leaned down and put the safety gears on my knee.

"All done"
Marino then sat on the bike and I hugged him tightly, feeling a little nervous.

He raced the bike and started driving. The speed got faster by the time and I only stared at our shadow on the road. Cute.

He spend up on the bridge and I couldn't help but smile widely and feel the air whip my body.

I tightly held on Marino with one hand while I let my other hand feel the cold breeze.

The speed made streets light look like magic.

I let go off my other hand as my both hands were stretched out and I laughed loudly in happiness.

I was enjoying myself after such a long time.

Marino's one hand held my thighs tightly so I won't fall as I kept laughing.

He touched his helmet's ear side and Taylor swift's song started playing on both our helmets.

I slapped his back in excitement while singing on top of my lungs.
The fast speed was making everything better.


His hand on my thigh tightened and I held his shoulder while laughing like a duck.

"I love ridding!!"
I exclaimed happily as he looked at me from the side mirror and I could feel him smirk.

"Oh you do?"
He said and I blushed.

Am I dreaming?
Is this really Marino?
Marino is flirting with me?


We were now sitting in a cozy restraunt. It's small yet fancy and luxurious. The staff here seems to know Marino personally.

So we are on a date actually. Stop being delusional Ayla.

"I can't eat more..you eat it"
I said and pushed my food towards Marino while smiling.

Seeing him eating makes me happy.

I watched him eat and I know I look like a freaking creep but it's fine because he's my husband.

"Let's go! "
Marino said while paying for our dinner. What a gentlemen.

We came back home being tired and I almost dozed off while sitting on the bike.

" go sleep mon chaton"(my kitten)
He said while caressing my cheeks and I blushed.

Mon chaton?
Oh Holy shit he's touching my cheeks and he looks so handsome while doing it.

I nodded and walked upstairs to my room hurriedly.

Immediately closing the door I flopped on my bed and I kept thinking about him.

Soon it was now 3 at night and I couldn't sleep.

My empty mind was making me remember Enzo and bad memories so I walked to Marino's room beside mine and knocked.

"Hey it's me!"
I said loudly because I was fucking scared rightnow.

I knocked louder this time and he opened the door with a frown but his eyes softened as he saw me.

Holy cow and bull shit..

My perverted eyes stared at his naked upper half. Damn he's big and shredded!

"Are you okay Ayla"
He asked sleepyly .

"I couldn't sleep..can I sleep with you please"
I gave him my best puppy eyes but stopped while cringing at myself.

He lifted me up making me Yelp and walked towards his bed.
I was blushing crazily and thank god that the lights were off.

He hugged me tightly like a bear and I snuggled in his chest, feeling his heart.

I closed my eyes as the beat of his heart was like a lullaby to me and started falling asleep.

"Hmm chaton"
He murmured being half asleep.

A smile invaded my face as I soon drifted off to sleep.


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