•|misunderstood secrets(edited)

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"For the fucks sake Max!!! She's nothing to us!"
My voice raised a little as I slammed my fist on my office desk.

"Man I know, I just couldn't ignore her cheerful energy. She looks so innocent"
Max rubbed his hand on his neck while looking regretful.

"She is not fucking innocent!!!
She killed my brother!! The only person in this world who cared for me while I was suffering!"
My eyes locked on my brother's photo and I rubbed my face trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry but I won't treat her like shit Marino. I'm going out so cool down and let's talk later. I know you're frustrated too."
Max walked out of my office and I sighed while sitting down on my chair.

She made my life unlivable by taking my brother away. She ruined everything for me and now I'll pay her back.

My eyes closed as I remembered the scene vividly.

Ayla was behind the chair and was pushing away  my brother's hand which was holding onto the chair's leg while his body was burning on flames and his eyes pleading for help...
I was too late, too late to save him.

My heart burned with rage as I opened my eyes again and put my hand on my chest.

I'll avenge him..I will avenge you Enzo.


My heart sank as I stared at the fire place.

My marriage with Marino was only held between some respected families between mafia and then we came to a restraunt.

I was excited until now. It was a little awkward when Marino didn't kissed me after saying our vows but it's okay.

Ofcourse he won't kiss me and it's not like I'm needy of his touch.

At the moment when he was reciting his vow, there was a weird look flashing in his eyes.

Like he hated my existence.

Fuck! I don't even know why this man decided to marry me.

Like seriously!! My father sell me to him and could've used me as his servant or anything else.

All of this mess is really frustrating.

My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and I shaked off the thought because I was sitting with other mafia members right now.

But right now  the fireplace Infront of me is the real problem. I can't even leave my seat because it's rude.

This restraunt is quite fancy and have a cozy concept so the owner place a fireplace Infront of the long table we are sitting at.

And I'm freaking closest to the fireplace.

My heart started beating fast as I tried not to look at the burning flames.

I looked at Marino Infront of me who was busy with talking to other men. My nerves grew anxious as I started trembling.

The panick started settling in making me drown in my dreadful memories.

His body was on flame as I stared at him with wide eyes filled with fear.

His grip on the leg of  chair was tight as he didn't let me help him..I tried to push his hand away so I could help him but it was all happening too fast.

The flames were burning his body as his bright blue eyes were shinning and his screams were horrifying.
"ENZO!!! Please let me help you"

I cried out while trembling and sobbing as I tried to get his hand off the chair's leg so I could push away the big chair infront of me and help him.

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