Stranger.| Étranger.

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"I'm listening".

"You must have been surprised to see that. Um- there's a reason I guess - I don't know- I". He sighed. "I'm sorry Ranee. Sorry for making you worry."

"Dhruv, Hey?" I touch the back of his lowered head covered by a band of thick white bandage and gently turn his face towards my own.

"You don't have to be sorry. What ever is bothering you, is not your fault." I say, softly.

"Okay." I then look right at his tired eyes.

"Okay". He said smiling a little.

"Okay". I repeat giggling. To my surprise his eyes drift down to my lips and back to my eyes.

No way!  My cheeks burn and my heart leaps out of my chest.

He wanted a kiss.

Should I kiss him? What if it's just messed up teenage hormones? What if it's all a mistake? Hell what if I'm a bad kisser? MY LIPS ARE CHAPPED!

His smile wavered a little and he moved back , clearly disappointed.

My eyes start to sweat. Shit-

"It was just your first failed kiss, it's okay, breathe Ranee, Breathe...." I try to calm myself down and suck up all the tear- I mean sweat. Just as every thing started to look distorted I felt a strong yet cold finger rub my hand.

I look toward it and find that he was rubbing my palm with his thumb and it was so good. I could stay this way forever.


I quickly wipe off the sweat off of my face with my sleeve which I noticed had splotches of blood on it. Then my eyes drift towards his hand which despite of being bandaged heavily was slowly staining with his blood. That must be so painful.


Then I noticed how much his head was bandaged, the mop of silky black hair was swept up with layers and layers of white, spotted with red right above his left eyebrow, above that scar.

"Earth to Ranee?"

That scar... I never asked him about it? Wait- Whenever I never asked him about anything, he never really talked about himself. Maybe he was hiding something, his mom was stopping me from coming in. There's something big that they're trying to hide.

"Ranee? God snap out of it!" I was interrupted from my thoughts-

"Yeah, yeah I'm listening." I look at him, he looked scared maybe because he just witnessed me space out for five minutes or maybe he is scared that I had revealed his secret. But it's  harming him, he can't keep things to himself or else he may just explode.

"Wh- What we're you thinking about?" He asked me probably still concerned that his secret might have been figured out by me, but I wasn't that smart.  Wait ,but I am smart. So I'll figure it out, probably.

"Um Dhruv?" I should probably ask him about what's bothering him.

"Yeah?" His voice was weak and seemed like it was about to break with pent up emotions.

"No nothing nevermind." I smile at him.

He looks at me with a suspicious look and scrunches up his eyebrows. "You -".

"Ranee the doctor needs to check on Dhruv". 
Both our heads snap towards the door and we let go of eachother's hands. I didn't even realise that we we're still holding hands, it felt so good, so natural. I wanted it again, but this time somewhere else -

I shook myself away from the dirty thoughts my teenage mind made and stood up. Just as I did Dhruv spoke up," Ranee if I don't get discharged please come visit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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