Accablant | Overwhelming

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"Je suis français".

"Try again! "



Ugh! Finally I passed the level.

I've always wanted to learn French. Not always actually. I started learning Japanese at first but gave up because it was too hard. But now I'm learning French and it's been 268 days. I'm definitely making great progress with the bird.

Learning French was like my second dream right after learning Japanese and going to Japan. But now it was something more, I really wanted to go to France, it's my dream.
I do realise sometimes, actually a lot of times, that when I do visit Paris I might be disappointed. But for now I want to keep it as a dream, a goal to look forward to.

Ahh the city of love!

Which reminds me. I NEED a boyfriend.
And that is hard when you live in India and you go to an all Girls school and when you have spoken to zero guys your age. Honestly thoug-


"Ahhh! Get off of me you devil!".

" Mom says Keep. The. Phone !" she shouts directly in my ear. I wince.

"Okay. Okay"

I pretend to keep it away and she soon gets caught in the television in front of her. I don't get it, why does mom not tell her to keep away the gadgets. When I think about it , it does make sense now. No one, I repeat, No one wants to be the victim of the little sister's wrath.

Anyways, as I was saying....
When you've been seeing only girls in your school and never even spoken to a boy before there are negative one hundred chances of you meeting your other half, until you reach college of course. But there  you might be too overwhelmed by the sight of boys because you have never interacted with one before.
Maybe I am exaggerating but I think that's how I'll be when I go off the college. Boys might as well be a new domain to me for many years to come.

I kept my French tutor away and gazed at the television. And at that moment of my grief of never having a boyfriend ,there's a kissing scene going on. A very intense kissing scene. And my sister was looking intently at the screen in front of her.

"Just wait until Mom comes and sees what you're watching" I tauntingly smile at her.

"She loves me, not you!" She thrusts her tongue out at me.

Well that was kinda harsh.

Ting tong.

Ting tong.

The doorbell.

Please someone open it please, please, please.



It's always me. A person with social issues who has to deal with unknown visitors.

I get off the bed and look at myself in the mirror. The mirror is fifty years old and maybe that's why the reflection tells me that I look disgusting. I just adjust my glasses and go towards the door. It doesn't take much time only about five steps. I turn the doorknob.


"I AM!" I shout back at my mom.

And as I did I was met with dark eyes looking right at me and just as he was about to say something-

I closed the door , on his face.

My face flushed.

What the fudge was the opposite gender doing here? There were No boys in this  appartment building last time I checked.

I peeped through the window. He was still there, probably very surprised at what I had just done.

I totally embarrassed myself.

As I said, too overwhelming to look at the opposite gender.


    Oh no.                       


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edited once

Hi everyone exams still on so a short chapter this time. This is just the beginning of something new actually. Look forward to the rest.

Merci beaucoup.

With love,
P and H.

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