The Consequences of Action

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Chapa pops up from the tube. "Hey guys, what are you up to?" Chapa asks."Nothing much," Mika responds. "Bose and Miles are playing Jenga."Unnoticed by Bose and Miles, Chapa creeps up behind Miles and says, "Boo!""AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Miles yells in a high-pitched voice. Mika walks up and says, "Dang bro, your scream is louder than my sonic scream. Yeah bro, you almost burst my eardrums," Chapa says."And I thought I was the afraid one," Bose says. "You are" Chapa says generating her powers. Bose squeals and hides behind Mika.

"Anyways, where are Ray and Schwoz?" Chapa asks."I'm right here," Schwoz says from the ceiling. The kids look up, and seconds later, Schwoz falls, causing the kids to wince in response. "Bro, why are you everywhere?" Miles says. "Yeah, yesterday I thought I saw you in the bathroom vent," Bose adds."Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't," Schwoz says in a Schwoz voice. "You'll never know. Anyway, in regards to your question, Chapa, Ray went to answer a call earlier this morning and should be back in three, two, o—" Schwoz says. Ray appears from the tube. "Nothing would ever prepare me for what I saw today," he says, gagging."What happened?" Mika asks."Well, I got an emergency call for a fall at a pool in a retirement center," Ray says in disgust. "Turns out it was a skinny-dipping pool. I HAD TO SEE NAKED OLD PEOPLE," he says, shaking Bose. "Stop, you're going to shake Bose asleep again," Mika says as Bose lies limp in his arms."I got this," Miles says, preparing to slap Bose to wake him up. Just as he lifts his hand and swings, Bose wakes up."OH MY GOSH, I'M SO SORRY," Miles says to nobody in particular, since Bose is now passed out. Everyone runs to Bose's aid.

Bose wakes up to an ice pack on his face. "What happened?" Bose says, "and my face hurts.""It's okay, Bose. Here, quickly take this pain medicine," Schwoz says, handing Bose the medicine. "And blow a bubble, because there's an emergency."Bose takes the medicine, blows his bubble, and goes to stand with everyone else who is already suited up. "What's the emergency?" Bose says."There's a robbery happening at the Museum of Swell Burger-Parties," Schwoz responds."Wait, there's an actual museum for that? I thought we just made that up," Brainstorm says."I did too, but I guess not. Anyways, let's just get going," Shoutout says. "Grab onto Captain Man's back," AWOL says."Wait, wha-" Ray says, as AWOL has already lifted his arm up.


Danger Force is struggling to defeat this army of criminals. "Wow, these people are stronger than we thought," Shoutout says as she roundkicks a criminal in the face. Her back is against Brainstorm. Shoutout moves her head and doesn't see a criminal coming towards her. "DUCK!" Brainstorm says as he's throwing a punch towards where Shoutout's back once was, in order to knock the criminal out.

"I think that's all of them on our side. How's Volt and AWOL?" "We're good, just having some trouble," AWOL says. "Pfffft, trouble? There's no trouble he—" Volt gets elbowed in the face by a criminal. "Okay, that's just rude," Volt says. Volt then uses her power to zap the criminal until he passes out. "SoRrEey" she says. "Not going to check upon me? Whatever, just so you know, I knocked out every criminal in my area," Ray says.

Just as Mika was about to comment, she is interrupted by a scream. "VOLT, WATCH OUT!" AWOL then proceeds to push her, making her land on her arm with a big crack. Now she is a vulnerable and easy target for one of the criminals still conscious. The criminal grabs a pocket knife, stabs Volt in the abdomen, twists the knife, and then runs off before AWOL could put them in jail. "As a matter of fact, I think I might need some help," Miles tells Mika on the intercom.

Ray walks to AWOL and sees Volt and says "Holy sh-


Danger Force comes up the tube with AWOL carrying Volt. "What happened?" he says, looking at Volt bleeding out unconscious."Well, I—" "AWOL, that's enough. Miles, set Volt in the infirmary, then come back to the Man's Nest. I need to talk to you," Ray says, then walks off to probably refresh on what's happened on his watch.

"Oooooo~," Brainstorm and Shoutout say. "First name instead of superhero, something is going to happen," Shoutout says. Miles has a confused and scared look on his face."Let's get Volt healed, shall we?" Schwoz says, directing AWOL to the infirmary. 


Ray is sitting on the couch with Mika and Bose, talking to each other. Miles walks in from the 900 room door, where the infirmary is, and stands near Ray. Ray looks up at Miles, then at Bose and Mika."Mika, Bose, could me and Miles talk for a while?" Ray asks. Mika and Bose nod and walk into the 900 room door."Miles, I give you time to explain what happened," Ray says."Well, I had pushed Volt because a villain was coming towards her. She landed on her arm, not being able to protect herself, and I wasn't aware of a villain still being conscious. Well, you saw what happened," Miles explains.

"Miles! You have to be aware of your surroundings! You hurt a member of Danger Force! You're lucky your parents know you're in Danger Force, but that just puts your parents more on edge. What am I going to tell Chapa's mother? You need to be more careful—!" Ray starts to say, then sighs when he looks at Miles, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I mean I—" "It's okay. I just need you to be more careful, okay?" Ray says. "I'm going to call Chapa's mother to tell her." "Okay," Miles says. "I'm going to go check up on Chapa."


Miles entered the room. "Schwoz?," Chapa asked. "No, it's me, Miles." "How are you doing?" Miles asked. "Like I've been stabbed, which I have," Chapa replied. "I'm so sorry, Chapa. I mean-" "It's okay, Miles," Chapa interrupted, holding his face. "I'm alive, aren't I?" Chapa questioned. Miles started to cry. "I don't know what I would do without my best friend," Miles said. "Hey, you're going to make me cry. I'm supposed to have no emotions," Miles chuckled. They looked into each other's eyes and started to lean in until....

Their lips touch, and they stay like that for 5 seconds, 10, 20... 30. Their silence is interrupted by Bose and Mika taking a picture and giggling. "Well, I had my suspicions, but I didn't know it would be shown to us this early," Mika says. "I'm going to show this to Schwoz," Mika says, running and knowing what's going to happen. "What, no!" Miles shouts, running after her, with Chapa giggling. "Wow, you've really changed," Bose says, "Giggling, I've never seen you do it." Chapa glares at Bose. "Sooooo... you and Miles, eh? You really want me to hurt you, don't you?" she says, raising her hand and sparking. "Ouch!" she groans. Bose sticks his tongue out at her, and Chapa does the same, then laughs, with Bose joining her.

THE END (or I could continue this, just give me feed back)

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