Jacob lied, there's nothing safe about this. Of course, I knew that. Elliot sets up the perimeter and Grayson is teaching Amanda how to use the spyware equipment. As if I'm going to let her set it up. Not if but when I set it up. She'll be staying here with Elliot and Grayson. The house per se is a condemned building that should be empty, so we need to make as little movement as possible with minimal to no light. I pick an off to the side spot and sit down on a busted wicker stool covered in dust. This was a nice place at some point, but years of neglect have left its mark. A truck pulls up and I find it odd he'd have a visitor. Jacob said he would be leaving, and he never sends us out with dodgy information.

Holy fuck! That might be the boss. I grab the night vision camera, snapping a few zoomed in pictures.

"We've got company." I warn the others. Grayson stands next to me, Amanda tight behind him.

"You don't think?"

Grayson asks, coming to the same conclusion as me. He's an older man with a certain attitude in his posture that we both can recognize. You can tell a lot about a person just by what they wear, how they walk, talk. His suit screams money, the type that says hey everyone look at me. I'm important.

"Should we call it In?" Grayson whispers I look over at him and Amanda's touching forms in the dark.

"No, not yet... let's see how this plays out."

Elliot comes back. He and Grayson swap stories, keeping at a low whisper. Amanda stands behind me, not making a sound. The man has been in there for over an hour and I debate going in just to hear what's happening.

"I'm sorry I laughed, I didn't mean to offend you."

She's gotten closer, her subtle vanilla scent fills my nostrils making my mouth water. I don't know what to say, these types of conversation make me uncomfortable. So I say nothing.

"Great, so your just going to ignore me?"

A frustrated sigh is all I have to offer, "I'm working, " I hear her grumble and shuffle behind me.

"Thank you for what you did for me." It's a genuine thanks that stumps me. What did I do? I draw a blank, trying to figure out what she means. Oh to hell with it! I'm to curious to avoid the conversation now.

"What I did?" This causes her to huff. Now she's the one frustrated?

"You know... how you helped me, with my... problem."

Sex! she's talking about sex? I can't believe she's thanking me. I don't know why but that offends me more than her laughter in the gym or her quick rejection to Rosa. She could have said anything else. How about that was great, or glad I chose you? Ideally, can we do that again?

"Do you regret it?" the question projects from my mouth like vomit. I swallow a hard lump that's formed in my dry throat as I wait for her answer.


The relief I feel is invigorating. The one simple word whispered softly from her is like a Benediction to my ears.

"Do you?"

I turn to her, surprised by her question. Her brows wobble and she chews on her bottom lip. Amanda's serious and fucking sexy as hell.

"Why would you ask that?" I wait a while. I'm about to answer her earlier question in hopes she'll answer mine when she clears her throat,

"When we ah... while... you looked freaked out at some points and I thought... I don't know what I'm saying."

Taming Amanda (Book 1) Jacob's Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now