See You Soon!

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Hi everyone! This marks the end of book one. I am so excited. Book two will be called Superstitions and I hope you all join me on the rollar coaster that it will be. 

I was to thank @lori_munson69 and @aricoursonwriting for being very loyal readers. 

I also want to thank @BeccieHill for supporting me and encouraging me every step of the way. 

And a special shout out to everyone else who it reading because without  you and your votes and comments I probably would've given up because writer's block is a bitch. Thank you all for supporting me. I would name every single one of you if I could but I've been blessed with so many wonderful readers that it would take me all night to write it all out, but know that I appreicate you all. Thank you. 

I hope you enjoyed this book and I hope to see you soon. 

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