Chapter 62

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Devil's Trap

"You better hurry up and beat it." Bobby tells us. "Before the paramedics get here." 

"What are you gonna tell 'em?" Dean asked. 

"You think you guys invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out. Here." Bobby held out the Key of Solomon book to Sam. "Take this. You might need it." 

"Thanks." Sam took the book in his hands.

Dean nodded his head. "Thanks. For everything. Be careful, alright?" 

"You just go find your dad. And when you do, bring him around, would you?" Bobby asked. "I won't even try to shoot him this time." 

The two brothers nodded their heads. 

Dean stepped toward me, pressing his lips to my head. "Be careful, okay?"

"I'm going with you." I tell him.


"I want to go with you." I grab my jacket. "Thanks for letting me stay here, Bobby. See you around." I lean in to kiss his cheek. 

I walked toward the door. I had to go with them. Something bad was going to happen and I couldn't just sit around with this foreboding feeling. I needed to make sure everything was okay. 


I lean against the side of the Impala as Dean stood at the trunk, loading his gun. Sam stood on the other side of the car, flipping through the book Bobby had given us. 

"You've been quiet." Sam pointed out, looking over at his brother. 

It took a few moments for Dean to reply. "Just getting ready." 

"He's gonna be fine, Dean." Sam assures him. 

This time, he didn't reply.

I let out a breath, inspecting my now chipped nail polish. Damn it, I just painted them yesterday. 

I glance over to see Sam drawing on the car. 

Well, he's got a death wish.

"Dude, what are you drawing on my car?" Dean asked, moving toward Sam. 

"It's called a Devil's Trap. Demons can't get through it or inside it." Sam answered.

"So?" Dean asked as Sam walked to the other side to draw it again. 

"Basically turns the trunk into a lock-box." Sam continued as Dean brushed his fingers over the symbol. 

"So?" Dean prompts again.

"So," Sam repeated, drawing another, "we have a place to hide the colt while we go get dad." 

"What are you talking about? We're bringing the colt with us." Dean stated. 

"Can't, Dean. We only got three bullets left." Sam argued. 

"Take two of the three and save the last one for Big Daddy Demon. Boom, problem solved." I speak up. "Dean gets to take the colt, you know for sure you have your shot at the demon. We're all protected...Mostly. Bada bing, bada boom." 

"We can't just use them on any demon, we gotta use them on the demon." Sam continued. 

"No, we have to save dad, Sam." Dean walked around the car toward his brother.

"Or just ignore my completely logical plan." I muttered. 

"Okay, we're gonna need all the help we can get." Dean continued. 

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