Chapter 56

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Something Wicked

"You're crazy!" Michael exclaims, phone gripped in his hand. "Just go away or I'm calling the cops." 

"Hang on a second. Just listen to me." Dean began. "You have to believe me, okay? This thing came through the window, and it attacked your brother. I've seen it. I know what it looks like. 'Cause it attacked my brother once too." 

 Michael slowly set the phone down. "This it like...has this long, black robe?" 

"You saw it last night, didn't you?" Dean asked. 

"I thought I was having a nightmare."

Dean was quiet for a few moments. "I'd give anything not to tell you this, but sometimes nightmares are real."

"So why are you telling me?"

"Because we need your help."

"My help?" Michael asked.

"We can kill it." Dean assured him. "Me and them, it's what we do." He nodded to Sam and I. "But we can't do it without you."

Michael looked between the three of us, confusion written all over his face. "Wha--What? No."

"Michael, listen to me," Dean says, "this thing hurt Asher. And it's gonna keep hurting kids unless we stop it. You understand me?"


"Well, that went crappy." Dean was pacing the motel once more. "Now what?"

"Sit down for a second, Dean." I gazed up at him, patting the spot on the bed next to me.

"What'd you expect?" Sam asked from his bed. "You can't ask an adult to do something like that, much less a kid." 

A knock on the door made us all look over. Dean walked over, opening the door.

"If you kill it, will Asher get better?" Michael asked. 

Dean looked back at Sam and I for a moment. "Honestly, we don't know."

"You said you were a big brother."

"Yeah." Dean nodded his head. 

"You'd take care of your little brother, you'd do anything for him?" 

Dean nodded once more. "Yeah, I would."

"Me too."

That was one of the things I loved most about Dean. How much he cared for his family, how he'd do anything for them. I see that reflected in Michael. 

"I'll help." Michael says. 


I sat next to Sam, watching the laptop screen that where the live footage from the camera Dean was setting up in Michael's room.

"This camera has night vision on it." Dean tells Michael, readjusting the camera. "So we'll be able to see you as clear as day. We good?!" He called out to us.

"A hair to the right." Sam called.  Dean moved the camera. "There! There!"

"What do I do?" Michael asked as Dean moved to sit on the edge of the bed. 

"Just stay under the covers." He told the boy. 

"And if it shows up?"

"Well, we'll be right in the next room." Dean says. "We'll come in with guns. So as soon as we do, you roll off this bed and your crawl under it." 

"What if you shoot me?" Michael asked.

Dean shook his head. "We won't shoot you. We're good shots. We're not gonna fire until your clear, okay? Have you heard a gunshot before?"

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