Chapter 17

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When I came to, I was tied up. 


I struggled against the ropes that were around my wrists. I turn my head to see Sam was also tied up and still unconscious. 

"Oh, well, if it isn't my pretty little hitchhiker." The shifter crouches down in front of me. "Welcome to the land of the living."

"What do you want?" I asked, leaning back as he reached out and placed his hand on my thigh. "Don't touch me."

"Oh, what's wrong. If my memory is right, you really like when my hands are all over you."

"You're not Dean." I hiss. "Where is he?"

The shifter stood. "Then I guess you don't want to know what Dean thinks about you. I could tell you every thought he's ever had. Including how he still feels about you." He then walked off, leaving me confused. 

I heard a gasp and looked over. Sam was awake now. 

The shifter--now with a rope in his arm--walked up to Sam. He stood before him for a moment before punching him. Sam groans. "Where is he?" Sam asked as the shifter walked off. "Where's Dean?"

"I wouldn't worry about him." The shifter says, walking toward us, duffle bag in hand. "I'd worry about you."

"Where is he?"

"You don't really wanna know." The shifter stopped before us. He scoffs. "I swear, the more learn about you and your family...and I thought I came from a bad background."

"What do you mean learn?" Sam asked as the shifter walked over to the table in the corner of the room.

The shifter dropped a knife into his bag before closing his eyes and pressing his fingers to his temples. After a moment or two, he moved his hand. "He's sure got issues with you." He walked toward us again. "You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With dad. You don't think I had dreams of my own." The shifter turned his eyes to me. "I had dreams of a life with Saige. But dad needed me, which, unfortunately, was one of the factors of our horrible break-up. Where the hell were you?" He asked Sam."

"Where is my brother?" Sam asked.

"I am your brother." The shifter leaned down to Sam. "See, deep down, I'm just jealous. You got friends, you could have a life. Me? I know I'm a freak...And sooner or later, everyone's gonna leave me."

For a moment, everything faded and I forgot it wasn't Dean talking. I forgot that it was a shifter. And all I wanted to do was pull him into my arms and assure him I'd never leave. Even if he hated me, I wouldn't leave. 

The shifter pushed away from Sam, moving toward exit tunnel.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked. 

"You left." The shifted stated. "Hell, I did everything dad asked and he ditched me too.  No explanation, nothing, just poof. Left me with your sorry ass." He grabbed a tarp, moving back toward us. "But still this life, it's not without its perks. I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky. You know, Dean would bang her if he had a chance. That, of course, would just be a substitute for Saige. Oh, the way he would beg for you to take him back if only you'd let him." The shifter sighed. "You just keep turning him down."

"You--You mean he's serious? When he--?" I began. 

"When he constantly puts the moves on you? Yes, he's serious. You think he's saying to himself, 'yeah, let me hit on my ex that I still have feelings toward for shits and giggles.' Oh, my god. He thinks about you non-stop. He constantly flirts with you, but don't let him get anywhere." The shifter shakes his head, smiling. "Well, let's see what happens." 

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