Chapter 11

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Phantom Traveler

 "Long legged assholes," I breathed as I finally caught up to the two giants that enlisted my help. I look up to the screens in the airport that displayed when the flights would be leaving.

"Right there," Sam pointed, "they're boarding in thirty minutes." 

"Okay, we still have some cards to play." Dean began to walk off. "I need to find a phone."

"And I need to run a marathon just to keep up with both you of," I muttered under my breath, following him. 

Dean picked up the phone from the wall. "Hi, Gate thirteen," he says, pausing for a reply as he placed his hands in his pockets. "I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant for flight, uh, flight...424."

Dean again went quiet as he waited for Amanda to pick up. "Come on, come on," he murmured quietly. "Miss Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hetfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here."

I lean against the wall, tapping my foot against the floor as Amanda replied. 

"Nothing serious," Dean assured her. It really wasn't anything serious, you know, seeing as it was a lie.

"Just a minor car accident," Dean continued, "but she was injured. So...."

Dean paused for a few moments, staring blankly ahead. Well, this can't be good.

"You what?" Dean asked.

Yep, not good at all.

"Um, well, there must be some mistake," Dean stated. After a few moments he continued, "Guilty as charged," he chuckled slightly. "He's... really sorry," Dean said hesitantly. "Yes, but he really needs to see you tonight. So....don't be like that. I mean, come on, the guy's a mess. I mean, really it's pathetic."

"Oh, yeah," Dean replied after a few seconds. "No, no, wait, Amanda." Dean placed the phone down, muttering a curse under his breath. 

"Well, that went swimmingly, don't you think?" I asked. 

Dean shot me a look. "Yeah, whatever, gloat later, hitchhiker."

"Ooh, name-calling. Very mature." I nodded my head. 

Dean turned, walking off. "Damn it," he hissed. "I was so close."

"Were you, though?" I asked, bumping my shoulder into his arm.

"I will drop you off at the nearest bus station," Dean threatened. 

"I highly doubt that."

"Alright, it's time for Plan B," Sam stated, capturing both mine and Dean's attention. "We're getting on that plane." 

"Where is it going again?" I asked. "Because that could be a deal breaker."

"Well--Well, let's just hold on a second," Dean argued. 

"Dean, that plane is leaving," Sam replied, "with over a hundred passengers on board. And if we're right," Sam glanced around, making sure no one would hear his next words, "that plane is going to crash."

"I know." Dean nodded his head. 

"Okay, we're getting on the plane, we're gonna find that demon and exorcise it. Look, Saige and I  will go get tickets, you go get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever will make it through security. Meet me back here in five minutes." Sam went to turn, beckoning me to follow.  "Are you okay?" Sam asked Dean.

"You look...scared," I reach out to set a hand on Dean's arm, then remembering his fear of planes. Which I had learned of the hard way. Back when Dean and I had been together, I had surprised him with a trip. Of course, he didn't know until arriving that a plane would be involved. 

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